Abel players unite!

So most of the people i played street fighter with have moved to other games so i think its time to reach out to the SRK community. If there any Abel players out there or just players who want to play with people just drop you GT and add people.
My GT is Thus King so when you get the chance add me

You didn’t list any console but I’ll assume you mean 360… I play on PC if anyone wants to get in: Santa Claus Jr on GFWL.

Well i thought people would figure it out with me calling it GT. And yeah im on xbox. Also i changed my gt to FGC Disabel

Doesnt make sense like that. you need some sorted layout. Like

Country: !!!

I hear most people use gamertag now as a generic term to mean ingame name. I know it’s the microsoft proprietary term, but at the very least I’m pretty sure it’s also officially called gamertag on GFWL (PC).

**GT: dark817
Platform: xbox360
Country: BRAZIL

9º no ranked **