ABEL , New OS Frametrap throw tech,combos,option selects,frame traps

Hallo, my name is ferdi i play abel since sf4 until now.

Some of you hates me some of you respect me, what happends in past stay in past :slight_smile:

The power of Throw Tech FrameTrap

Option Select Tornado Throw Tech


Negative Edge Double Option Select U2

Abel - Jump Cancel escapes

Option select on 3 frames

COD frametrap U1

These pieces of technology looks VERY very interesting and strong!
Fascinating stuff great stuff thank you for sharing!

I’ll test them out and see how these tricks fair against others in real fights
thank you

The DOUBLE option select seems like it would be a tremendous tool to use against players and characters whom are apt to focus away pressure, Really excited to try this out in training mode myself.

thank you

thank you bro. :slight_smile: for your interresting :slight_smile:

i know its very diffucult whit timing, i think jump option select whit this move are easy moment.

Jump cancel escape?!!! So just end the exTT with at ub+PP?

NEw tech. I am excite! Love your mixup game from online replays Ferdi

A lot of this stuff is really good, wow. Those trade mechanic combos, the crouching medium punch into hard punch, the jump cancel into Tornado Throw – didn’t know Abel had a jump cancel, I knew Gief could jump cancel into Lariat so Abel’s Tornado Throw would whiff and get punished, but Abel having one is too gdlk, I will hit training mode just to check out.

Haters on Ferdi? Nooooo, Never… :slight_smile: I do follow your vids whenever I search for Abel play, so you can rest assured I’m not a hater. I don’t even think anyone remembers anyways, you know that thing where you almost prevented Evo from happening one year, but that’s another topic /hehehehee (just kidding, in case there is a lost in translation moment)

Thank you guys i am very happy you all like my stuff. If some of you need help just ask. : )

yes f.d.b.bu.pp

Very interesting tech! It’s a shame you posted these videos months ago and we see it now.

It took many losses online to catch players with frame trap cr.hp os ultra 1.

Did cod frame trap trade with shoryuken in your video?

How did you do cr.mp, cl.hp? Counter hit or crouch very close?

cr.mk, fs

-yeah i know shoryuken.com but i never registered my self before :slight_smile:
-yes but i have some videos whit a lot good set ups and mixups where you easy can get it whit Frametrap U1
-cr.mp-cl.hp is character specific, look at the end of the video you can see the list :slight_smile:
-cr.ml-FS you must Plink the bottuns

here is some example’s :slight_smile:


The cr.mp cl.st.hp thing has been around a long time ago although most of the other stuff is new to me (like air cancel roll/ex tt - i’ll practice that)

As for the trade U1, I’m not sure how viable it is in a real match plus wont it lose to any moves with proper invisibility frames? So its really situational

My OS game is still bad although I use some of them in my matches, always good to see more new OSes

As for the 3f safejumps, before this there was another one off of normal throw (whiff st.mk neutral jump HK if im not mistaken) but if the opponent recognizes the setup, he could backdash for free or maybe you can OS something to punish the backdash. I havent tested the setup in the post above, but since its neutral jump lk, on block(or even on hit), does it gives enough frame adv for abel to do something?

edit: I managed to discuss with some JP abel players and so far they dont think the air cancel roll/ex tt is that practical although not saying its definitely useless… Basically abel is cancelling during the 4f prejump state right? Where he is not airborne yet but is considered a “jump”. SO far this seems to have higher risk than reward… or maybe its just me? Might find some other setups for this…

  1. Just to confirm, the Throw Tech FrameTrap is db+HP+LP+LK or standing HP plink db+LP+LK?

  2. Why ultra 2 against Akuma?

Hfx. Thanx for the post. I understand everthing what you are telling. Cr.mp-st.hp is character speficiek. I look a lot tournaments and internet i dont saw this combo before. Framrtrat ultra 1 its usefull i think becouse if you look some setups people trying to do throwtech then you hit the frametrap. Its not easy on match i know.i got some 3 frames option select delay throw. I will show this on video later.
Jump cancel is difficult yes but i think after forward mk dash is more usefull moment.

Akiramike- nr1 is perfect you got it.
Nr2. Ultra2 becouse you can always get after teleport.jump.fireball and after akuma sweep demon. More usefull for me.

  1. What do you mean by nr1 is perfect? db+HP+LP+LK only or both db+HP+LP+LK and standing HP plink db+LP+LK?

  2. Never realised Abel could punish Akuma’s sweep with ultra 2!

cr.hp is 8 frames startup and cl.hp is 4 frames start up i think you should use cl.hp. if you get hit by sweap dont release the KKK bottuns, wait for the ultra 1 from akuma, then you release.

Hah that 3f safe jumps the same as the one I posted a while (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3ocp8VDYBZc) back great minds think alike and all that.

Heres the one HFX is on about you can cover every option most shotos have as shown in the sweep OS version.

Fwd throw, St mk (whiff), j mk

Expanded with sweep OS

Hey thats nice videos bro. Thank you