good players wont let you cr.hp them for free. thats why cod fadc cr.hp is also staple.
I’d like to see some actual matches from you though Busta, most of these vids is you steamrolling some random dudes online.
Though you mentioned a session with Moval and Ed Ma right?
ya, im trying to fix something. okay ehre is the deal with those matches. i seriously had too many matches on my desktop (filled up my whole desktop) andi put them into folders. i put ed ma and moval vids in a different folder. now when i open the folder i get an error and it just closes the folder rigth when i open it. anyone know what i can do? all the vids i put in folders are like this now. pretty much all my vids now are gone becaues of it. if anything ill just record me playing some matches with them again but these ones i took doesnt look like i will get them to work.
Try copy the folder onto a USB drive or something and see if it opens on a different computer – I’m assuming they’re no longer on the Camera ? If they are, you can just copy them off again… probably something jacked with your PC though lol… stupid windows hahaha
ya its not on my camera anymore. ill try to see if it works on my brothers computer. if not ill just try to get some games in with both players again. im sure we can find time for that heh
Ive been having some problems with my friends akuma, so I decided to upload some games. I loose most of these games. I just feel shut down by akumas standing roundhouse and forced to turtle a lot. Anther thing that has been really annoying me is when I cross him up and he blocks it then I crouching strong to get a block string going but he is able to grab me out of it. The move is such a stable I don’t know how else to get around it besides stop crossing him up. Can you guys watch my vids and tell me if he is doing something I should be punishing? thanks
Busta, your Abel technology is just…ridiculous. I seriously have not found a better Abel player yet.
What exactly is the error you;re getting. I’m not great with computers but someone maybe someone else recognizes the error and can help you.
lol im having a phase where suddenly my execution/reaction/everything turn to crap. gargh couldnt even nail xx rekka wtf.
it says Windos Explorer has encountered a problem and needs to close blah blah send error report dont send blah blah. i click dont send since thats what my bro tells me to do then after that the folder wont close/i cant click on the vids, it doesnt respond and i have to ctrl/alt/delete. after that my computer freezes for a second and its all good. i dont have a virus so its not that. it doesnt work on my computer or my bro’s. ill just try to get some games in with both of them again and this time iw ont put them in a folder lol.
Cheers for posting these vids busta, lots of good stuff to take from them.
Going to concentrate on normals more now . I did notice you chucking out a few Falling Skies when at the opposite end of the screen - is that trying to pre empt something - or just mind games?
i was doing it to build meter
yoyo Busta,
About your folder problem, could you try this?
Sometimes windows gives a problem when there are a lot of files in a folder. Could this also be the case?
Could you maybe try to access your folders running the command line. and then manually copy them to another location. Hopefully you can open them in the other folder.
To go to the command line go to start->run-> cmd [enter]
Do you know how the command line works?
If you have any questions just ask, just trying to help
Good Luck
eh i already deleted them, ill just try to get more games in. its not that there are too many files in the folder, even if i just put one i will get the error.
Holy crap, you rely on jumping mk and crouching mp (into cod) way too much. I only watched one video, but that’s seriously ALL YOU DID. I didn’t see many situations where you could have punished, but didn’t. Your main problem is that you do the same thing over and over and your one-trick pony isn’t even safe (which is why you got srk’d in between hits during cod).
To me, it seems like you’re thinking about this game from only one perspective: what am I going to do for damage? You’re not making any effort to stop his offense. This isn’t turn based combat. Poke him out of roundhouse if he’s going to abuse it, don’t just sit there and block.
Anyway, if you know he’s going to throw after a blocked jumping mk, why not do command throw?
Edit: I actually watched 3 videos.
well that’s what I mean when I say I feel shut down. I feel that my options are extremely limited. jabs get stuffed by standing roundhouse so I don’t really know how I can poke him out of it. Abel is so big he doesn’t go underneath the second kick so hes stuck in block stun. Only thing I can think of is to spam an ex command throw by my friend is good at linking so I usually end up eating Akumas BnB combo.
I guess the reason rely on jumping so much is because its the only thing I can think of that doesn’t get beat out by standing roundhouse and links.
Well, play around with at least some of these options:, cod (option select) - cancel into the cod as if the hits, and if it doesnt, nothing happens cod (option select) - same thing
standing lk
neutral jump (punishment will vary)
roll (same)
ex cod (you will usually absorb one hit and strike before the next roundhouse connects)
ultra (yeah, ive done this before when they like to do standing roundhouse from out of range of the first kick)\
What I’m saying is, try to stop the forward roundhouse before it comes out, not after wards. You don’t have to wait for him, stop him from the beginning so he stops trying to use it as often. All of the options above work, but their reliability depends on a bunch of factors such as: how far away does your opponent do the attack? The only way you’re going to be able to figure it out is if you try it on your own, cause I can’t explain it with words in a way that will make perfect sense to everyone.
Just do it.
Hey Bustabust, I played your Balrog today on Xbox live. I lost both rounds to you, although I did manage to get kinda close in the second round. How was my Abel? What things do I need to work on?
Hi guys. Recorded some matches of a friend and I yesterday.
Still in the process of uploading. Will be about 2 dozen vids in total. I made lots of mistakes, but tell me what you think.
Wow, cool. Nice comeback in the third Sakura video.