Ω Abel General Thread

I’ve been playing Abel quite a lot in Omega, but noticed his new shoulder special is not cancelable. I took a look at the command list combofiend shared yesterday and it says that u should be able to cancel the shoulder by pressing a P button. Now I tried every single button combination and different timings but it doesn’t seem to work.
Is anyone else having the same problem ? Is it maybe a bug ?
I know Omega mode isn’t supposed to be balanced or anything, but I really hope they’ll fix it because Abel’s approach options are really limited in this mode, and being to cancel the shoulder would definitely help him since u could use the charge shoulder to get in (seems 0 or + on block) and cancel it to bait certain reversals or jump ins.

Its in the game but the command is D + any P to cancel the charged tackle.

Edit- This only seems to work when Breathless is selected as the ultra. I assume this is a bug but who knows O mode is odd.

Wow, thanks man !! Sucks that it’s only possible with U2, but with no way of hitconfirming into his Ultra, due to to the removal of his rekka, U1 has become less appealing anyways.

His damage is funny though.

lol how is his omega mode worse than his regular version…

They made his change of directions into these weird command normals that you can’t do anything with except poke into ???

It could be just me but I don’t even see how he gets that much dmg especially compared to some of the rest of the omega cast.

It’s not just you, Abel seems to deal a lot of damage at first, but when u try someone else u soon realize that his damage output is just average at best.

Omega Abel definitely seems worse than his Ultra counterpart, and I think that’s mainly because he’s really lacking approach options. If his stepkick was a command again I think he’d be perfect.
Eventho, he might not be THAT great compared to some other Omega characters, I still like him a lot tho. I’ve always thought SFxTK Abel was a lot more fun than SF4’s Abel and this Omega version is looking a lot like his xTK version. Will definitely keep playing him.

I think it’s a replacement for his stepkick. Haven’t really experimented with it yet.
If anyone knows the frame data on this normal, please share. It could end up becoming a very useful normal.
