ABC #12 - Showtime

Too much ass and titties. More creativity pls.

Uhh, the theme of this one mandated that all entries include ass and/or titties, so naturally, they all do.

But this is only the 2nd theme to involve t&a in any way. Go look at all the past ABC’s if you want to see the older themes. I linked them back on page 1.


You guys are impatient motherfuckers, it’s been only half a day. Ok, starting now, just posted this to chill you guys out.

Just got off work give me a min.

i love how well your avatar fits in with this post



“Shadow Blade”

I like avs that experiment a little with the shape of the boundaries. The avs got a nice overall look, and fulfills the requirements. It’s very simplistic, yet looks good.


“Deadly Grope”

I like the different “blocks” that make up the whole in this av. Definitely shows creativity, and some actual thought was put into it’s creation. Plus it made me lol, and that’s always good.


“SRK Paaanch!”

Third was very very very very hard to decide, but I finally went with this one. The lines in the background + the colours just flow very nicely overall.


Animated coming up.

K, I’m off to work, everyone.

See you guys late late tonight or tomorrow morning. Good luck to everyone who entered.



"The answer, my friend, is blowing in the wind."

Wow @ this av. The cartoony style, the fluctuating border, the humour, very nice job to whoever made this one. This is definitely one of the better avs i’ve seen on SRK.


“Classic SRK Style”

Well animated, and funny. I especially like the “super flash mugshot” before Ryu does the SRK. The black lines moving along with Ryu were also a nice effect.


“Sho Sho!”

Aww, this would have come in second if the animation was just a little better. She’s going way too fast right now, slow it down, and you have a great av. I like the clean cut professional look otherwise.


“Spinning T & A”

“Street Fighter II: Titty Fighting Shin-Shoryutits - ‘She got paid. Style is impetuous. Bounce is impregnable.’”

Titties CAN’T not get an honourable mention… seriously.


  1. “Custom Tan - ‘That Tan is Broken!’”
  • Not much to it but damn thats a nice ass, nice use of the dp motion on the right ass cheek.
  1. “Deadly Grope”

Lol I almost picked this one for first until I saw one more, loved the motion in it and the almost Tarantino like setup to it.

  1. “Sho-Roba-Ken: Rising Donkey Punch”

It is a mother fucking donkey punch, it is like the new stairs but old. The background goes well with this as well.

I almost put in srk tits in there.


  1. “SRK Cheeks”

Simple but effective use of the topic at hand. Isnt the most techincal but gets the point across and I thought it was good.

  1. “Shin Shoryudick!”

This avy reminds me of something Ducky would rock. It is borderline porn borderline srk up the ass. All beauty.

  1. “The Beauty and the Faust”

You got the semi hot chick, the guy who thinks she is the hottest guy ever, the flamer and the o rly. No srk mention but still the best one none the less. SRK Approved

This time the animated were better then the stills. A direction opposite of the last one. Infact if the person who made the beauty and the faust doesnt want to use it, I would like to rock it for awhile if he/she wouldnt mind.

Ok, didn’t know that :wonder:


mine =]

ok heres mine


this fsho cuz it fits the theme perfectly

its just srk but the donkey is consider and ass?

love the colors love the tits =]




i like it covers the srk and tits very well :tup:

o0o0o0o0o0o0o nice

well here you go o and i like these to also but not any of my favs.

Cunninlyguists- A Piece of Strange :tup:


smacks head duhhhhh. good shyt.

like quiche said

Your avatar must contain all of the following:

*Tits and/or Ass
(self explanatory)

this can mean the word shoryuken the action, the abbreviation SRK, a reference to, or really anything that has to do with shoryuken in some way, no matter how obscure and convoluted. Of course I have the final say on whether or not it counts, so if youre using something obscure, when you PM me your entry, also PM me your reasoning,

so thats why

it’s MAI dude

wtf @ gumz…wtf.

I’m pretty sure that av contained Tits and a Shoryuken…

Next time, can we have judges pre-06 join date or something? :bluu:

…plus it had ass in a creative way… since ryu was an “asshole”

and since his back is turned you can see his ass…no homo.