Abandonment of the Arcade

Hi all!

The concept here is that I wanted to protray the death of the arcade houses (at least where I live) which gave us all joy and fond memories in the 80’s and 90’s. So right at the beginning I knew I wanted only one arcade machine, so that I could transform it in the lonley character and make the viewer feel sorry for it. The mood/lighting is set in a city, by dusk and I wanted to give a feeling of the people going home from work, instead of crashing by the arcades, a thing they used to do in past times.

It’s my first big composition so I must’ve failed in many aspects I’m sure. I’m a beginner in lighting and rendering so I did my best and had much fun. Please comment and critic and say if my concept was well executed or not. I hope you like it.

  • Francisco


HiRes: http://ptfighters.com/pessoal/arcade001.jpg

looks cool. i like the concept behind it i think you portrayed it well. well done.

Also like how it’s even a one player cab. (Dunno if it was intentional but a nice touch.)

Thanks guys :slight_smile:

This is still a work in progress, there are some problems I need to fix but for the greater part, this is what I wanted to convey. About the arcade itself, it was modeled purely on though, I used no references. Well, the button layout is quite similar to the SFIV cabinet, couldn’t help myself, lol.


i think if the chair is knocked over rather thyan stood up it will give it a feel like it hasnt been visted for a longer time.

Hey Man,

Nice to see some other 3D artists on the forum.

Ok I have quite a few crits but please dont take to heart, its all constructive :slight_smile:

  1. The grain on the planks is far too large, look at it compared to the size of the cabinate. In reality it would be barely seeable.

  2. Your texture on the side of the cabinate is a wee bit stretched, needs squashing vertically!

  3. I would personally have some light on the side texture, its hard to see what is actually on there.

  4. The red on the buttons and joystick are far too hot for that scene and should really be a burgendy -ish sorta colour.

  5. make the bump map on the front of the cabinate smaller, bit too prominent.

one last thing as well, just to tie in with the scene I would have a game over screen on the cabinate :wink:

Hope this helps or if u need a helping hand gimme a shout! :slight_smile:

@ Mr List: Good point. But thinking about it, I like it when the chair is up cause it’s as if it’s still waiting to be played, you know?

@ d1ablo:

Hi! Every C&C is welcome mate, it’s the only way we can perfect (or try to) a scene, in my opinion.

  1. Curious you mentioned the grain and not the size of the planks it self. Some of earlier c&c I got was that the planks were WAY disproportionate (?) in relation to the machine itself, and it’s true, so it will be fixed. As for the grain, there’s a curious reason for that. Two actually. Well, the reason it has some grain on it is because of the depth of field. I have no ideia how to make a DOF render pass so I made all of the passes with DOF on, which isn’t really a good ideia since when compositing it gets wierd (grain). I also did an occlusion pass with DOF which was a big LOL, but promptly made a normal pass and blured some of it in Photoshop. The second reason is that I added my fog render pass and added some noise in, in a failed attempt to simulate dust particles. So yeah, instant doom, although I kinda like the noisy aspect of the image. Makes it feel all gritty and stuff. I hope I explained it correctly?

  2. Curious, since I didn’t even touch the UV’s, just a regular planar map. I don’t like the image anyhow, will try to do something more fancy later (like REAL texturing instead of pasting it).

  3. Really? It’s pretty “seable” in my monitor. And I took care to calibrate it to sRGB standards, specificaly for this dark image.

  4. True, will fix. Although I still want them to be a main focus point so that people are directed there instantly. But yeah, they need some desaturation and more dirty feeling.

  5. You’re the second person to tell me this. The thing is, if I scale it down I may destroy it’s purpose so that it’ll look like a smooth plastic and I really don’t want that. But I’ll see if I can find a midpoint.

Hmm, as for the game over screen… Dunno, the machine isn’t even plugged, don’t know how much sense it would make. Also, I want it to feel like the machine is waiting helplessly for someone, and the game over screen would kinda defeat the purpose as it would it shoved people away. Dunno, what do you think?

Anyway, thanks for your time mate! This is still a WIP and I intend to fix some problems, so bring on the C&C! Also, show me some of your work! And also also, are there more 3D geeks here in SRK? Would love to chat.

PS: Software used, Maya & Photoshop.

Its cool man, I dont mind helping at all we all had to start somewhere and your not doing a bad too :smiley:

The game over screen was a only a lil idea to sorta follow your theme, but yeah if it aint plugged in then whats the point lol hahahaha

I will post some of my 3d work in a diff thread as I dont want to clutter yours :slight_smile:

Keep on ploughing on its a tough game but rewarding in the end, I do it now as my full time job (finally got out the games industry) which I enjoy so I dont mind helpin at all :smiley:

I like the inaccuracies. It gives it a sense of morbidity.

Thanks Riot, I think so too. Some little mistakes actually pass out as nice because it can mimmick quite well the randomness of the real world. Of course this shouldn’t apply to real problems but there are some little things that are quiet passable.

Anyway, I’m kinda glad people don’t mention the lighting at all. It’s a sign that it’s believable, and hell did I work for it.