Standing Normals
Jab - Nice anti-air against P and K, for when they're looking to parry/JD your RC Lariat.
Strong - Can be good for footsies, an/or when a quick standing poke is needed and fierce is too slow.
Fierce - Use to pre-empt jumps, and to trade with fireballs. After blocking a Blanka Ball high, this is the only thing that you can retaliate with, outside of the corner.
Short - THE anti-sweep move. Also use to tick into SPDs/Germans.
Forward - Probably your main footsie.
Roundhouse - Good for when Dhalsim teleports high. Otherwise, only used in CCs.
Crouching Normals
Jab - Rapid-fire combos. Also good for ticks - you can connect a Jab SPD after 3 blocked c.jabs.
Strong - Far anti-air (good against Sagat's jump-ins) and when the opponent is doing a straight-up jump in front of you.
Fierce - Surprisingly good for footsies, if the opponent doesn't have a damaging super/CC to retaliate with. Also good as a meaty.
Short - Good tick. Against Chang, hits Choi when he comes on the ground. Also good for comboing into Punch Lariat.
Forward - Fair long poke.
(d/b+forward) Can combo into Fierce Green Hand from this.
Roundhouse - Far sweep.
(d/b+roundhouse) Good meaty. In corner, sets up a CC.
Jumping Normals
Jab - Best air-to-air move, used after they jump.
Strong - Surprisingly long reach. Great for when jumping over fireballs.
Fierce - Longest reach.
(d+fierce) Crossup. Possibly best jumpin for combo purposes.
(straight up jump, neutral) When jumping straight up over fireballs, esp. air fbs.
(straight up jump, hold up) Does a ton of dizzy. Good air-to-air.
Short - Used early, good for air-to-air if you jump first.
Forward - Never used.
(d+forward) Good jumpin for combo purposes, esp. combined with a strong footsie game. When in s.forward range, this is the best move to jump in with. Also good against Dhalsim, when jumping over fbs.
Roundhouse - Against an opponent getting up, crossing up with this hits them if they try to jump back. If they don’t, land with a Geman.
Spinning Piledriver - Learn the ranges. Jab grabs farthest, Fierce does the most damage. Set up with empty jumps, ticks, dashes, and rolls.
German Suplex - Great for grabbing them on their wakeup, anytime they are at point-blank range.
Running Grab - Long-range, on their wakeup. Also good after a blocked j.fierce, an airblocked j.jab/short. RC through pokes, fbs.
Green Hand - Anti-fireball. Whiff Jab versions to build meter. Good as a pseudo-poke when RC'd. Also used in CCs.
Punch Lariat - RC for one of the best anti-airs in the game. Beats almost all of Sagat's moves, Honda Headbutts, Balrog's Rushes/Uppercuts, Blanka's c.fierce, other moves that hit mid.
Kick Lariat - Hits low-hitting moves. Great against Cammy's Drills. Use to bait counters when the opponent is looking for Punch
Final Atomic Buster - Set up with empty jumps, ticks, dashes, and rolls. Grabs farther and faster than SPDs/Germans.
Air Grab - CC ender. As a parlor trick, use after a parried/JD'd s.jab.