A tip to link those c.shorts

this is great…

when you go to training mode, pick the last stage; i.e., U. Rugal’s fiery stage…

listen to the music! it helps…

there’s a pattern that goes 1, 2.5, 4 (in terms of notes in a 4/4 time signature), you might recognize it as being a much faster way of playing that opening beat in that sublime song, “Caress Me Down”

anyways, you wanna time the c.shorts to go with the beat. i can do c.short x2, s. jab, ball pretty consistently on this stage…

and if u wanna get technical, you must do the shorts very very slightly faster than the actual beat. you won’t really notice it much, but i know it’s not exactly to the beat. for sure. call it musician’s intuition…

now you can combo along to the music…haha…

Hey, do you have any more tips for me from Blanka? coz I’m beggining to use this character lately. Any decent yet easy combos with him?

the easy combos are:

cross up mk, electricity
cross up mk (hold down), cr.lk, st.lp, rh up ball
non-cross up jump in, cr.lk, st.lp, fp blanka ball/lvl2+ direct lightning super.

And even more basic combo.

c.MK (hold) Fierce Blanka Ball, you hold MK to prevent negative edge.

everybody in the cvs thread is so much nicer than the guys in the sf4 thread :smiley:

Man, Blanka, you used to be so crazy.