I’ve been talking to quite a few people, and it apparently seems as though there are a lot of individuals without a team. Instead of hoping for people to read if your post to join a team, I thought it’d be nice to have this thread specifically for people who are seeking teammates for the upcoming 3v3.
Hopefully this thread will assist some of you guys to participate at Fuddruckers!
I will update this thread with the names of people who are seeking teammates, and also the teams that have come to fruition due to this thread. GOGOGO!
List of players who need teammates:
Thrust07(Bison)/Richard Li(Sagat)/Kineda
Slompo(Rog)/LB(Ryu)/Andry (Zangrief) Note: Andry is only for UCD, not Fuddruckers. Slompoop/GayB still need a 3rd for Fudds.
Haven’t really been taking the game super seriously as of late, but believe I can still whoop that ass.
I took second place in the Sunnyvale CRAZAY 2vs2 Team Tournament with Illiterate. Lost in GF to FChamp and Hiro.
Let’s play together beforehand so we can get a chance to see if we’d be a good fit. Would be nice if I had a Sagat powerhouse as a teammate or what not.
Our third bailed, so team of myself(downback) and shytzoo need another third.
If not, we will just split and start filling the remaining team slots.
I use Rog, shytzoo uses Sakura.