A/S/L or ELSE: LOL Player Pleads Guilty to Swatting Females


Man dudes under 18 commit to the most stupid internet based crimes, seeing that a good majority that get caught DDoSing other people happened to be around 14-17 as well as swatting.

Damn kids lol.

Script kiddies that do this should be forced to go on SWAT calls for 6 months. No body armor.

Also, he should have swept his proxy for wards. Noob.

they were all WHITE too

huh @mechwarrier

Even SnoopDogg been had K-Pop crossover. #YJDK #REDvsBlueTechs.com

why this shit doesnt happen in SRK? oh yeah, no women

Oh God, Anita Sarkeesian’s probably creaming her granny panties right now.

I don’t care how OP your card is, don’t EVER put that imagery into my head again.


I wonder if the inmates will crack jokes about him getting his asshole swatted when they run a train on him.