A reflection on 10 years of marvel. - Front page article!

I totally agree with all of this.

also the part that is in (BOLD) should have never been in any build of the game.

The same rules apply to them as well.

Learn to play, or stick to MVC2.

Either way, we all win.

Do we all really win? think about it. the trend of how games are being made. seriously

Beyond the fact that unattributed quotes are useless, if not fake (I actually thought it was a typo), appeals to authority are stupid.

Especially when you won’t say who the authority is!

Also yeah, could have said the same thing to “whoever it is”

As much as SOME people don’t like them, there are PLENTY more that do.

Just because everyone doesn’t want to learn games the hard way like we did doesn’t make them any less of a player.

Times change, people change, and companies have to change along with them to keep up.

So what if casuals buy the game then put it down after a week?


Tournaments don’t equal sales. People buying the game does.

That means both casual AND hardcore players.

Leaving the casuals out means the game doesn’t do as well as it could, not to mention creating a stagnation in the “hardcore” community.

MVC2, as fun a game as it is, was stagnant because everyone kept fighting the same people (Sanford, Yipes, Wong, etc.)

Casual players just might turn into hardcore players if they like the game enough.

You agree with “this game will be terrible because of a change in The tag mechanic 8 months before release?” Dag.

Edit: noize, it’s all about ego-tripping anyways. Or maybe fronting.

also this

i agree with all of this, especially the part in (BOLD) Trust me I want mvc3 to be the best it can be, but i can’t help it if other players, myself included are more than a bit worried.

See thats an interesting concern (and in reference to the exchange above, compare “I’m worried about this” to “THE GAME IS GONNA SUCK BECAUSE OF THIS!”)

The funny/uncomfortable thing is, that’s why they have the hitstun proration in, to make that kind of thing harder.

Capcom seem to have set themselves up with a pretty ugly set of goals, especially the ‘we want anybody no matter how outclassed to get one kill in’ thing. I’d bet tho’ that’s where the super-high damage is coming from.

*I should note DD was talking about how when he was playing he usually didn’t actually go for the bounce > relaunch because the combo system made the timing on the relaunch to tricky… which implies they’re at least thinking about that.

the hitstun proration is designed to prevent infinites and probably encourage resets as a side-effect. BnBs into hyper nearly killing someone doesn’t fall under that purview. If anything I’d say it’s just gradual tweaking, and overcompensating for the QQ about damage being too low in earlier builds.

I just imagine every MvC3/SF4 naysayer looking and talking like Comic Book Guy from the Simpsons. Makes me feel a lot better :rofl:

wow really good read, to somebody thats I guess kinda new to the scene it really helps me understand how some games have evolved such as marvel

No, it’s actually what causes those things to happen.

What’s that? Someone with authority said it? Oh well, that changes everything…

No wait, criticizing a company for making changes throughout the development process is an inane opinion regardless of who says it. It’s like failing a dissertation, because it had more than one draft. Did you expect the game to spring forth from the minds of the developers in some immaculate, unfiltered form?

I think you misunderstood something, but I can’t be sure until I get home. Damn phone truncated quotes.

Are you saying that the proration makes long relaunch combos ×more× likely? Because I don’t se that at all…

As people may or may not, I’ve been making an effort online to try to play friendly and learn why people insist on playing the game in their weird ways. I think I figured it out: most people can’t do shit on a pad. They might be able to scrape by, but they’ll never be able to take top five at any decent tournament, and they’re definitely not putting out any useful combo videos on pad. So instead of understanding their limitations and trying to improve, they want to nerf other players. As more people get fighting sticks (much love to madcatz), hopefully they stop thinking everybody else has to be nerfed so that they can win a few. =\

I buy the argument that Capcom should make it appealing to more people, but how you get to the point is definitely thorny. There is a point that the MvC1->MvC2 transition already “simplified” things (moving from the arcade 6 button layout to controller/pad 4+2), but – yeah, I’m baffled how some of the game aspects are ‘simplified’.

Doesn’t fanatiq roll with a DC pad?

Yeah, hence the qualifier “most”. I had thought about listing off a handful of people that are good on pad, but decided it was totally irrelevant to the general point.

I think tring to reproduce fortuitous errors is begging for disaster.

I just, don’t get this mindset that a game has to be exactly like its predecessor for it to be good, nor do I get bitching and nerdraging about a game barely even out of development.

Hardcore fighting game fans :shake:…

Yes. Look at blazblue and Guilty Gear. They have hitstun poration and a lot of combos involve starting hit -> combo into loop -> loop until your opponent is about to fall out of it -> super. You do this because you have to milk the combo for all it’s worth before your enemy falls out. When you add bounce teching, which makes it harder to do ambiguous resets, repetitive BnBs become the center of the game.

Street Fighter 3 and 4, Starcraft 2, quake 3 HD, and potato chips were disasters? Harsh dude.