A new vid in the works

hello fellow snk ers. im starting a new video project soon for all alpha games dedicated to the shotos. including dan. im geting everything set up now and i want to really make it a referance point for gamers to come to and really see the alpha shotos and what they are able to do. i was hoping to ask any and all who would be interested in helping me out. and anything will be appreciated. so if ud like to be involved in any way, i would love the help. so just get at me on aim, email or kaillera/srk. ok guy thnks a bunch i hope to hear from yall soon. much love

the bushin kid


dan (alpha3)
in the corner* jump and do a light whirlwind kick

*you can do this anywhere on the screen but in order to do this mid screen you have to hit him and go over your opponent at the same time. if you manage to switch sides then you can put the in the same state that doing it in the corner does.( however midscreen can be air recovered however)

1)then go into vc
2) You can also lp, mp or light srk
3) from mp you can combo into his projectile or light srk

*you can do this anywhere on the screen but in order to do this mid sreed you have to hit him and go over your opponent at the same time if you manage to switch sides then you can put the in the same state that doing it in the corner does

for some reason i cant get any of this to work from a standing whirlwind kick
so as far as im concerned it has to be a jumping :qcb::lk:.

other stuff

  1. :d::mk: comboes into whirlwind kicks (i think)

as for vcs i dont know shit about vcs except for these few points

  1. in the corner you can add an extra srk after the meter dries out.
  2. if done correctly you can use the light :qcb::lk: to help travel across the screen to get to the corner and finish your combo there
    taken from xenozips thread

X-ism: no :qcb: kick in the air

this is where i will put stuff for other shotos
that i know

  • in A-ism ken can combo two lvl1 shinryukens in the corner.
  • [media=youtube]XcdSb6kkHJ8[/media] (an infinite with ryu)

ps: ill edit this post later tonight after i go try some more stuff w/ dan
pps: your last vid was good, good luck w/ this one :tup:

wow tnks mna that helps alot.