A new kind of tournament: The Counterpick/Opposite Tourney

Just a way to call it…

I’m thinking about a tourney that it’s extremely forbidden to use your main character, instead you’ll have to use your counterpick character for your main character, or pick the opposite character, i will explain myself in this example.

let’s pick 5 srkers:

  1. Hado-King(Ryu Player) in the tourney Hado has to use Boxer
  2. TecmoSuperBowl(Guile Player): Blanka
  3. MisterEgoTrip(Honda Player): Bruce Lee aka Fei Long
  4. GNX84(Chun, Hawk, Ken Player): Boxer
  5. Rice247(Fei, Cammy, Ryu etc, etc Player): Dictator

And so on…

The bracket will be random of course.

Sounds crazy i know, but it’s part of the fun, make something different about tourneys, remember, when we play in tourneys we often forget about the part of having fun with others, you don’t have to care about if you made it to the finals or not, who cares?, is not your main character anyway, you’re not losing rep because you got your ass whipped.

for this time we will have 2 hosts, Rice247 and me, because this idea has born in a chat session between the both of us.


:rofl::rofl::rofl: That’s good to know.

Anyway, I’ll sign up for what ever. But this kind of thing would probably be more fun in a 6-player friendly so we could watch each other suck.

This sounds very interesting, I like it!

I accept with infomation:
let’s pick 5 srkers:

  1. Hado-King(Ryu Player) in the tourney Hado has to use Boxer
  2. TecmoSuperBowl(Guile Player): Blanka
  3. MisterEgoTrip(Honda Player): Bruce Lee aka Fei Long
  4. GNX84(Chun, Hawk, Ken Player): Boxer
  5. Rice247(Fei, Cammy, Ryu etc, etc Player): Dictator

I accept with infomation:
let’s pick 5 srkers:

  1. Hado-King(Ryu Player) in the tourney Hado has to use Boxer
  2. TecmoSuperBowl(Guile Player): Blanka
  3. MisterEgoTrip(Honda Player): Bruce Lee aka Fei Long
  4. GNX84(Chun, Hawk, Ken Player): Boxer
  5. Rice247(Fei, Cammy, Ryu etc, etc Player): Dictator

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hahah, you know I’m down.

I’m glad you like the idea guys. Well i think it would be nice to see all of us, fighting like n00bs :rofl:, just for the record, when the tourney thread sign up starts, you have to clearly specify your main character in order to pick a counter or opposite character, just to avoid misunderstandings.

Rice my avatar is 160 x 64(sorry for the off topic).

Can I get a FRIDAY OR SATURDAY tournament? 100% down for that :slight_smile:

HONDA LETS GO! :slight_smile:

I’m down. That means I get to use Vega. (laughs with evil grin)

Wow…considering I absolutely blow with every and anyone else I guess you guys can look forward to using me as a test dummy. Sign me up…HA! The thought of me playing with Balrog has me lmao right now!

sounds like an interesting idea…would be fun i’m sure

Is this open for people or are you choosing the cast?

The tourney is opened for everyone!, everyone can join(inside the North America Region)

sounds like a good day, dunno, Friday, Saturday or Tuesday, it is up to you guys.

Question, if someone’s main char has a bunch of counterpicks, does that mean that person can chooses between them or have to stick with one?

Just one character bro!

I always lose in Guile mirrors. I guess that would make Guile my counter-pick. I’ll try to do the best I can using him. :sweat:

Tec using Guile? hahha nice try :slight_smile:

Yeah hopefully we get more peeps on this, and not just the usual suspects. I know there are a bunch of peeps that just want to have fun. This is that tourney. We got to get everyone out of their comfort zone and try different characters. You never know, you might end up loving that character.

Haha out of their comfort zone? I would agree, but I actually PLAY my counterpick, so I don’t think that would be too fair, would it?

hey i wanna play to,even though im not that good wit my main anyway,but still i wanna play lol …so philcito,ima add u,also can u let me know when u start to play this tourney,i never been into one before…plus can u please explain how u play tourneys in psn if u dont mine me asking…