Trivia Quiz 01: CPS1 & Dragons
What you got? Boom sucka, bring it.
Oh snap, shit just got real in here.
Will post my answers laters, but this is awesome, thanks Maj.
Edit: What does “OTG?d” mean?
OTG = off the ground.
I’ve answered what I could. My post of answers is in the thread in the ST section.
Not sure if answers go here, but…
Ryu and Ken’s DP, Ryu’s hurricane, Honda headbutt, and Zangief’s Lariat
Thanks. Those answers belong more in the HF thread than ST, but whatever.
Here are my answers:
World Warrior Questions
WW: What move causes its own unique hit animation?
WW: Which characters have air throws?
Guile, Chun Li, Zangief, Claw
WW: Who has the largest arsenal of throws in the game and how many?
Zangief, 1 command throw (SPD), 4 grounded throws (standing), 2 grounded throws (crouching) and 2 air throws for a total of 9
WW: Which four characters can alter their jump arcs?
Chun Li, Claw, IDK the rest
WW: Which characters possess both regular throws and mashable holds?
Honda, Dhalsim and Zangief
WW: The third bonus stage is played between which two CPU opponents?
** Between Claw and Sagat**
WW: Which five attacks were penalized with huge damage multipliers on counterhit?
WW: How many jump attack animations did the bosses have in total?
WW: Which boss(es) used redizzy combos, and what were they?
Dictator’s Scissors could redizzy easily
WW: Which characters? endings took place (at least partially) on Bison?s stage?
Guile, Blanka, Zangief, Chun Li
WW: How many different flags are on the map before and after the bosses are revealed?
WW: Name three characters who dress differently in profile images than game sprites.
Chun Li, Zangief, Dictator
WW: How many breakable objects are there in all twelve characters? stages?
WW: Which character(s) can?t crouch under High Tiger Shots?
Zangief, Dhalsim(?)
WW: Which character can be OTG?d?
Champion Edition Questions
CE: Which (blockable) special move causes no block damage?
CE: Who are the three fattest characters while standing?
Zangief, Honda and Blanka
CE: Which character(s) had the most special moves in the game?
Ryu, Ken, Boxer, Claw, Sagat and Dictator
CE: Which character has the longest delay from crouching to standing?
CE: Which five characters have mashable holds?
Zangief, Dhalsim, Honda, Blanka and Boxer
CE: Which five characters have forward-moving ground normal moves?
Guile’s Knee Bazooka, Dhalsim’s slide, Zangief’s punch hop, Claw’s slide and Dictator’s slide
CE: Which character can cancel a normal move without using any buttons?
CE: Which character has the most knockdown normal moves and how many?
Honda’s st RH, Forward and cr RH (3)
CE: Which seven characters are sporting cranium accessories?
Ryu’s headband, Chun Li’s hairbands, Honda’s hairclip, Dhalsim’s earrings, Claw’s facemask, Sagat’s eyepatch and Dictator’s cap
CE: List three differences between Ryu and Ken.
Ryu’s Tatsu knocks down and Ken’s doesn’t, Ryu’s Tatsu is slow and Ken’s is faster, Ken’s Shoryukens have more range than Ryu
Hyper Fighting Questions
HF: Which three characters had a complete set of rapid fire weak attacks?
Ryu, Ken and Guile
HF: Which five characters had no rapid fire weak attacks?
Dhalsim, Honda, Blanka, Claw and Sagat
HF: Which five characters could perform CPS1 chains?
HF: What were the eight different projectiles in the game?
Ryu’s Hadoken, Ken’s Hadoken, Guile’s Sonic Boom, Chun Li’s Kikkoken, Dhalsim’s Yoga Fire and Flame and Sagat’s High and Low Shots
HF: Which two special moves are completely harmless?
HF: Which characters possessed charge specials?
Guile, Chun Li, Honda, Blanka, Boxer, Claw and Dictator
HF: Which three characters can cause the opponent to bleed at will?
Blanka’s Bite, Zangief’s Bite and Claw’s pokes
HF: Name four special moves that offer movement control after initiation.
Honda’s Slaps, Zangief’s Lariats, Claw’s Wall Dive and Dictator’s Head Stomp
HF: Which character?s new costume color is selected with the Start button?
HF: Name five special moves that can be executed without using the joystick.
I’ll give you 6: Honda’s Slaps, Blanka’s Electricity, Zangief’s Lariats, Chun Li’s Lightning Legs, Boxer’s TAP and Claw’s Backflips = )
HF: How many characters have a special move which contains both knockdown and non-knockdown hits?
Ryu and Ken’s Shoryukens
HF: Which character has two special moves containing both knockdown and non-knockdown hits?
CPS1 SF2 Trilogy Questions
Which of the three CPS1 games has the worst Sonic Booms and in what way?
What made the first SF2 series juggle combos possible?
What unique hit stun property do Honda and Blanka share?
What normal moves does Guile have in WW only?
**Far st Jab
Which five characters received no new special moves in HF?
Guile, Dhalsim, Boxer, Sagat and Dictator
Name five special moves that don?t knock down in WW only.
Ryu’s Shoryuken, Ryu’s Tatsu, Ken’s Shoryuken, Ken’s Tatsu and Dictator’s Scissor Kicks
Name three background elements unique to WW. Simple palette swaps don?t count.
Ryu’s stage breakable boards, DK the rest
What property makes Shoto c.HK sweeps unique?
Cancellable into special attacks
Which SF2 character has a pre-fight intro animation?
In which game does Balrog?s Turn Around Punch have invincibility?
Which two characters share a location on the map?
Guile?s s.LK is cancelable into special moves in which of the five SF2 games?
If you had to use one word to describe Ryu, what would it have to be?
Here’s another challenge posted by Maj: Classic Combo Challenge 01: Ryu
“In any SF2 series, combo 2 of Ryu’s cr RH sweeps without dizzying the opponent in between.
SF2 series titles: WW, CE, HF, Super, ST, HDR, HSF2”
I’ve been racking my brains trying to figure this one out. Anybody know how this is done? I’m starting to think of Rainbow Edition.
Edit: I just found a [media=youtube]W_lRihs6Icw"]youtube response by ultracrazy1. * Damn*, that’s a crazy combo. I knew it involved a fireball and sweep comboing at the same time, since I’ve seen that happen before and knew the sweep would not knock down, but I was trying to figure out how to combo the 2nd sweep. Cancel into Super, of course.:looney::bgrin: Apparently, it can be done [URL=“”[/media] too.
I’ve also seen Guile’s Sonic Boom and cr Forward combo at the same time, and if the opponent was blocking high, they don’t enter hitstun animation, but rather stay in blockstun animation, but they lose the same amount of health as if they had been hit by the cr Forward.
Thanks again Maj, these are some awesome challenges.
Answerscan be found here. Many thanks to Maj. = ) That was an awesome trivia challenge, and I learned some new stuff too. I didn’t do as well as I thought: 15/50 correct.
Also, I had a question about this answer:
So after Claw is dizzied, you can do 1 knockdown sweep and then hit him again on the ground before he wakes up? I would love to see a vid of this.
Here’s an [media=youtube]Dyl6iUrU6qI#t=2m38s[/media] which works because Magic Throw preserves dizziness. There’s also a few examples in an old TZW video, parts of which were rereleased on the Combo DVD that came with Yoga Book Hyper. Can’t remember the original volume number though.
Funny how WW would include unplayable bosses in answers. That alone would throw me off.l
Pretty cool quiz!!
Wow, I can honestly say I’ve never seen WW Claw hit off the ground after a dizzy. Thanks Maj. Yet another new thing to learn about this game.
Ah dammit man, i only answered half of every damn multiple answer question. I need to find the SF cliff note version before I take this exam. Damn, we getting old or maybe it’s just me!
Gonna put some answers in the spoilers.
[details=Spoiler]1. 5, which would be Short, Forward, Roundhouse, Start, and Hold.
2. 3, which would be Lariat, Hawk Dive, and both versions of Boxer’s TAP.
3. Chun-Li, amd Chun-Li only,
4. It can grab opponents on the ground and in the air.
6. Angels, Birds, Starts, Devils
8. Ryu, Honda, Blanka, and Guile.
13. Only one I know is that Ryu’s air hurricane kick did not go horizontal in the air anymore.
18. CPU Akuma throws 2 air fireballs at a time, while player Akuma throws 1.
19. One, that replaced the original color costume.
20. 7 characters. Blanka, DJ, Guile, Sagat, Claw, Dictator, Boxer, and Dhalsim.
22. Dhalsim’s super, because it can not be used as a reversal.
23. Ryu, Dhalsim, Dictator, Fei, Blanka (dunno if it counts as fire) and Ken.
25. DP motion and charge b, f motion
26. Chun-Li’s super, with 6 hits.
27. Zangief and T. Hawk’s super, with one hit. If not the grabs, E. Honda’s, with 2 hits.
28. There are actually 3 that cannot be whiffed, and they are Zangief’s, T. Hawk’s, and Claw’s.
30. 3 or 5 hits.
31. Ryu and Fei Long. Ryu with j. strong and f+strong, and Fei Long with chicken wing and f+forward.
32. Old characters.
33. DJ, Chun, and Dictator. DJ with super to RH upkicks and forward upkicks to forward upkicks, Chun with super to RH upkicks, and Dictator with super to j. strong x2.
35. Ryu, Dictator, Sagat, Cammy, Hawk, Guile[/details]
Thanks again Maj. My answers:
SSF2: Generally speaking (exceptions aside), how many new costume palettes did the average returning fighter receive?
5: Short, Forward, Roundhouse, Start and Hold
SSF2: How many moves require two or more different buttons to perform?
9: Punch Lariat, Kick Lariat, Teleport, Back Hop, Forward Hop, Hawk Dive, TAP, Punch Backflip and Kick Backflip
SSF2: Which characters have projectiles that dissipate on-screen?
Chun Li and Dhalsim (Yoga Flame and Blast)
SSF2: What property makes Vegas Izuna Drop unique among all other throws?
It can throw both grounded and airborne opponents, but so can Cammy’s Hooligan
SSF2: Rank the four dizzy types in order of rarity.
SSF2: Rank the four dizzy types in order of base duration severity.
Reapers, Angels, Birds, Stars
SSF2: Which of these things is not like the others? Ryus LP Hadoken, Guiles MP Sonic Boom, Sagats MK Tiger Shot, Dee Jays HP Air Slasher
Sagats MK Tiger Shot can be done with Kick
SSF2: List all of the characters located in the top row on the character select screen.
Ryu, Honda, Blanka, Guile
SSF2: Which special moves dont force crouching opponents to stand up upon connecting?
SSF2: Which special moves force standing opponents to crouch upon connecting?
SSF2: Which special moves have more frame disadvantage when blocked meaty than if blocked on their first active frame?
SSF2: Which two characters have two overlapping special move commands?
SSF2: Compared to HF, list three major changes to Ryus existing special moves.
Flame Hadoken knocks down, Air Tatsu has arcing trajectory, ground Tatsus don’t travel as far esp Short Tatsu
SSF2: Including new characters, how many new air throws were introduced in this game?
4: Ken, Claw, Fei and Cammy
SSF2: How many characters can perform more than one air attack while jumping?
4: Ryu, Ken, Chun Li and Hawk
SSF2: Which of Kens Shoryukens has the most invincibility?
SSF2: Which three characters have no invincible special moves?
Zangief, Dhalsim and Dictator
Super Turbo Questions
ST: What is the main difference between playable Akuma and CPU Akuma?
CPU Akuma can throw 2 Air Hadokens
ST: Generally speaking (exceptions aside), how many new costume palettes did the average returning fighter receive?
2: Jab replaces original costume with ST costume, and old characters have a secondary costume with Kick for mirror matches
ST: How many characters have no eyebrows on the character select screen?
8: Blanka, Guile, Dhalsim, Boxer, Dee Jay, Sagat, Dictator and Akuma
ST: How many characters jumping forward animation is different from their jumping backward animation?
ST: Which of these things is not like the others? Ryus super, Hondas super, Chun Lis super, Dhalsims super
Dhalsims super can’t be done as a reversal attack
ST: Which six characters can set their opponents on fire?
Ryu, Ken, Dhalsim, Fei, Dictator and Akuma
ST: List all attacks with a juggle potential of exactly two.
ST: Which two special move commands are notorious for interfering with footsies?
Ken’s f,df,d Crazy Kick (Short in Remix), IDK the other one
ST: Which supers tally the highest number of hits on the combo counter?
ST: Which supers tally the fewest (maximum) number of hits on the combo counter?
ST: Which two supers can not be whiffed?
3 actually: Zangief, Hawk and Claw
ST: Which characters can control their supers after superfreeze?
Blanka can stay in one spot for a while and Boxer can switch between Straight and Upper Rushes
ST: If Ryus Shinkuu Hadoken super passes through two Sonic Booms before reaching Guile, how many hits will it inflict?
ST: Which characters have both an overhead attack and an attack which can juggle?
Ryu and Fei
ST: Which characters single-handedly negate the throw softening mechanic by their presence alone?
Old characters
ST: Which characters can perform a juggle combo against a non-jumping opponent?
ST: Comparing N.Guile to O.Guile, how many normal moves are exclusive to each version?
ST: Which characters have the same number of specials between old and new versions?
Guile, Dhalsim and Sagat
I’m sure over 90% of these are accurate but there might be one or two worth discussing. If you find any mistakes, don’t hesitate to bring them up here or there.
Thanks again for the awesome quiz Maj! Even the oldest OG can learn something from these quizzes. LOL Didn’t do as well as I thought: 13/35 :L
SSF2 question 03
Ryu? Really? Which Hadoken? And when does it dissipate?
SSF2 question 14
Shouldn’t Ken, Claw and Fei also be on that list? Tho Fei is by default, since it was his first appearance.
SSF2 question 15
Chun Li should also be on that list, right?
SSF2 question 16
Doh! I got baited hard. LOL
Blitz she is :looney:
Never mind. LOL
Yeah this one was fun to write up. Though even my first draft had a bunch of missing answers. Anyway i was just trying to make it more interesting than hard. Hopefully it was enjoyable for ST veterans.
Both red and blue versions of his LP Hadoken disappear if you chase them from one end of the screen to the other. They have an animation for it and everything. If you start from the corner, it happens a couple of character lengths short of the opposite corner. Ken’s keep going forever cuz his fireball is OG.
Ken and Fei didn’t get their air throws until ST and Vega has had that air throw since CE - maybe even WW.