It would be awesome if someone could set up a Topanga style KOF tournament where players would play FT10’s against each other
I choose the following for selfish reasons though
Bala (has never lost a first to numbers set IIRC)
Reynald (Long time KOF player and former Evo champion)
MadKOF (Korea’s OF Kof-er)
Xiaohai (best KOF 98 player and it’s either him or Bala that can be considered as KOF’s Daigo)
ET (an OG KOF deity)
Misterio (sorry but my basis for this was how he bodied, reynald, luis cha and others at money matches)
and Tokido (for the past year i have seen him work on KOF like no other despite it being a secondary game to him)
we would see a Tokido vs Reynald rematch (where we would see how tokido would fare this time)
Misterio vs Reynald (round 3, hopefully with better results for Reynald)
Reynald vs Bala (I have seen them play but never at sets, i wonder if reynald can be dominated by bala)
Misterio vs Tokido (nothing but for the reason that they both went sets against reynald)
Xiaohai vs Tokido (for the reason that without Evo pressure, how he’ll stack up against the 'Awakened Xiaohai aka Shin-Xiahai we saw at Evo 2014)
Xiaohai vs Bala (Bala hasn’t lost a set IIRC, and this Shin-Xiaohai at evo was mentioned to not have lost a set either during casuals)