
That’s a typo. I meant to write d.HK.

Idk what the hell YOU guys are talking about, but Iori’s best groove is N. He’s a much greater threat with run.

Oh ok, interesting.

I wish you would shut the fuck up or post in the N-Iori thread instead. Being on the bandwagon makes you feel good doesn’t it?

thats a good point, and debatable as iori’s CCs are better than his supers. but the reason he’s more popular in a-groove is because n-groove kind of sucks at an advanced level. another thing- why the hell did you post this anyways? its not like it helped the discussion.

Does that have anything to do with the topic here? No. You can go ride Buktooth’s nuts on the other available threads.

Here is a pretty disgusting and hard combo to pull off, though for the damage it is worth it:
In a corner activate the groove
crouching hard kick
standing hard kick
standing hard punch
the first hit of the blooming flower(name? the 3 hit punch special)
crecsent strike(name? the move where he fireballs your face)
light punch fireball(dragon punch)
2 air hardpunches(in 1 jump)
light fireball
maiden masher or his other super and the finish of you choice (maiden masher for more hits and to better impress opponents)
Perfection of this combo takes forever but it is impressive and high damage, especially for the groove.

Sounds crappy

Yeah sure…that is if you’re quadrapolegic (sp) maybe.:rolleyes:

That combo sux ass.

So is it the whole… Jab DP, C. Rk x N, improvise in corner, maiden masher thing just not damaging enough? I can do Kens dp cancel (jab dp, jab roll), so I guess I should probably learn Ioris.

Iori with A-groove is badass

I love Iori ! :cool:

interesting cc’s

i keep my iori simple…

wait for jump in, activate, dp lp, [c.fk x N], maiden masher

for flash:

activate, dp lp, [c.fk x 2], hcb + fk, [c.fk x 3], hcb + fk, maiden masher

i have to pull this off in a match, but…

activate: dp lp, [c.fk x 7], hcb + fk, dp fp[1 hit] XX pillar super, walk forward, dp fp

How deep do your opponent has to be for u to pull this CC off: [Dp+LP, Cr.HP, DP+LP-St.HK]x4… I seem to have a problem cancelling the DP fast enough. Can someone help me with this?

Iori CC…

I don’t use A Iori much, but last time I used him I did something like s. mp fmp then lp dp into qcf lp into another lp dp into another qcf,then kept doing that and finished it off with maiden masher and it went smoothly together. I think I had a little too much gauge left when I did it though, I think to do it all you’d have to corner them.