February 25, 2008, 7:59am
Don’t mind me, I’m late to the party and just picked up CvS2 recently.
Fierce DP, cancel to hurricane kick on the way up (after you leave the ground), land and do [c.SP xx c.FP xx roll] to the corner and then repeated deep Jab DPs once they’re cornered into Shinkuu before the meter runs out (c.SP xx c.FP, c.SP to Shinkuu or c.SP xx s.FK to shinkuu etc).
Does a bit less damage than the other CCs mentioned (something like 45-50%…somewhere in the 6-7000 range), but I’m sure easier. Works from anywhere on screen, and also works as anti-air.
Takes a little getting used to- if you cancel to the hurricane kick too early you’ll get the ground version, but if you do it too late you’ll float too high.
And since I didn’t see it posted here, a simple corner VC is repeated Jab DPs (7), and then combo into the Shinkuu Hadouken. Does a bit more damage, somewhere in the 7000s.
For CCs from someone who actually knows how to play the game, see Gunter’s stuff:
March 15, 2008, 12:04pm
Youtubed, see first post.
In this case, Ryu is alot better than Ken.
Ken is quick, using his hadoken motioned LK’s to gain meter, and he’s quicker than Ryu, but in CVS2 cases, Ryu does ALOT more damage, his A groove can punish Ken’s A Groove anyday. (i’m talking the forward HK he can use to poke for maximum damge, while Ryu has that A Groove done by Gunter on the first video he posted up earlier.)
April 15, 2008, 8:28pm
where’d you get that pic of ryu at the beginning :P?
it’s in one of the SF3 secret file series iirc.
Thanks all for watching.
I don’t know where the Ryu pic comes from exactly, but I’ve heard it’s old Street Fighter EX artwork.
Yeah, The picture’s from the artbook capcom made.
Nice vid, Easier Than expected and Good.