A-groove Rugal

My bad, I was trying to see if rugal or todo would be a better choice as
a second slot character ex: Yun,Cammy/Rugal->??<-Todo/Geese, I used to use Eagle as my second slot character(babble bla…), anyway which one is more capable or solid in tourney?

hey kcxj thanx for the kind words! Pretty cool given the fact that I don’t think I ever really reached my full potential.

Anyway I don’t think Rugal is a good battery at all, he has hardly anything that’s truly safe so you’re not going to lock people down except maybe in the corner occasionally.

It’s all about using repukens right and also not telegraphing your dive punch thingy.

Anyway I use Rugal for anchor R2 and try to have a full meter or close when he comes in, it’s already been said by several that he’s not good for battery. When it’s R2 vs R2 I basically play for the CC or level3, which basically gets them down to 1/4th life, then throw mixup or guard crush in the corner to win. I really don’t think of him as a good character because of tough head to head matchups so I try to go for the knockout blow.

Plus he does a lot of damage…people always gasp when they get killed by a throw or godpress…it seems like it does way too much damage.

I like Rugal Godpress it so Cool!!! when you use it with RC then as he pluge thru the wall hit the CC.

Man his a monster.