A groove customs for Hibiki

i do two customs with her that take do about 7700 damage. I know there are more damaging ones, but i don’t know them or haven’t seen them.

i do Roundhouse x3, qcb + jab, (Roundhouse x2, qcb + jab) repeat till super (qcb, hcf + punch)

and (Roundhouse, qcb + Fierce) repeat till super (qcb, hcf + punch)

they both do the same amount of damage. I try doing C. Fierce x 3, qcb + jab, and then repeat, but negative edge works against me XD.

What other mid-screen customs, or any corner customs do you guys know of?

anti-air CC: qcf+SP, qcb+JP until corner, s.JP, (j.FP x5) x 2, super (qcb,hcf P)

ground CC: (c.FP x3, qcb+JP) x 2, qcb+FP, s.RK, dp.RK, qcb+FP, super (qcb,hcf P)

** reset CC: c.FP x3, (qcb+FP, s.RK) x 2, dp.RK, KKK then f+RK, j.RK, qcb+FP, s.RK, super (qcb,hcf P)

don’t know if these will help you any but they’re just some CC’s that pull off frequently.

** risky CC to do but if you have confidence in being able to mixup your opponent, then by all means use it.

Maybe somebody have nice A-hibiki vids!!
I havnt found anything about hibiki!!
so please gimmi links!!:stuck_out_tongue:

The only vid I’ve seen was that 4sec clip from the EVO2k2 trailer :lol:.

2 Questions.

  1. Can anyone get a custom consisting only of qcb+Jab, and ending in the super? That’d be the coolest Custom ever. Not very practical, so not recommended for battle, but VERY cool nonetheless. You’d get cress-points from me.

  2. This is a serious question. Ya know how C-groove has counter attack, and it is the C-characters best option to Counter attack if a CC is blocked (It may lose a lv. but C-Groove gains levels so quick, they won’t miss it for long). Now, Hibiki has the auto-dogde KKK, that can be placed into a CC.

Now . . .

    a) would this avoid the Counter-Attack if predicted correctly,
         allowing an opening.
    b) How feasable would this be? Since they've already 
        blocked your CC, I was thinking this would be the best 
        choice. Even if ur wrong an they continue blocking, all you 
         lose is TickDamage and Guard Meter. True Hibiki destroys
         both of these, but weigh the cost if ur successful. 

Its High Payoff - Low loss. If they did Counter Attack you, u’d be down an A-gauge, knocked down, and on the defensive. However, if they counter you and you avoid w/ 3K, you get to connect your Custom for Free and they lose 1 lvl. If they don’t counter and you avoid, u’ll lose 1/5 of a sec which equates to only a VERY short loss in meter, which may have been 50pts TickDamage if you’d continued, and yet you still have the advantage of your continuing your CC. Also, since all attacks in CC can be canceled instantly, if they see the slight pause and FLINCH, you may still out prioritize them and connect your CC.

PLEASE let me know what ya’ll think.

Multiple running slash CC is quite possible. Easiest with fierce running slashes, but strong run slash is the best combo for speed and damage per hit. Crosses up really fast, harder to block it right if you try to reset during it, but if you try the overhead reset, you still need s.RH XX DP+K to keep from getting jabbed.

Alpha Counters tend to hit long enough that a dodge would just eat the AC meaty. In any case, you lose half of whatever meter you had when you got hit out, not the whole meter, so it’s not a total loss.
Best way to deal with ACs… probably RC slash, continue with CC. Kinda like Sakura RC fireball, continue with juggle CC. You could also Roll through a AC attempt, but some ACs are fast enough that you’d probably have to worry about getting hit anyhow…
Counter during CC… I think it will end the CC (half of current meter lost) but you get a free juggle anyhow, so you get some meter back, plus mixups while they’re on the ground.

Thanx. I usually use CC, c.LP, c.MP, c.HP, qcb+LP, c.HP(2X), qcb+LP, c.HP(2X). And repeat till super, but if they block I’d insert lows and overheads. Thanx for the reset tips. And I new you could use multiple running slashes, but I was wondering if anyone could excute a combo consisting ONLY of running slashes.

And thanx for the advice against AC. I haven’t gotten RC down pat yet, but I’m working on it. Arigato.

You really only should activate when there’s a clear, guaranteed opportunity- with Hibiki, there’s enough of those that you don’t need to be activating into jabs…

In fact, activating into c.fierce works most of the time anyhow. Activate, QCB+jab is good to punish stuff like fireballs and some whiffs.

You should do 3 c.fierces before each running slash, up till 9 hits, then do [c.jab x4, c.fierce XX QCB+jab]xN, then end with whatever into super.

The [s.RH XX QCB+fierce]x4, c.jab stuff variation is more damaging and leads to more reset opportunities. Just harder, but oh well.

Thanx. I’ never thought about it as a FB counter. Where can I find the properties of the CC. I wanted to know how long the invincibility frames of a CC activation last. And what do you mean exactly when you said reset? (noob question )

resets typically refer to resetting the hit counter back to 0, which would inflict more damage upon your oppenent if the cc is continued. hibiki resets can vary depending on the method but with all of her possible mix-ups, a single cc can be devistating.

my friend is expert hibiki player. I kill his first 2 with one character then his hibiki at the end kills all my other players.

and no matter what he always gets me with the CC, either by counter CC

activates grabs me qcb lp, repeat til corner jump HP (X4) jump repeat then special.

i’ve done just running slashes, it’s not that hard, just gotta get the timing down, i actually find it easier than inputing the HK to running slash over and over, just cause the movement of the joystick and all that isn’t as hard, cept it doesn’t give very much damage, i don’t have the numbers on hand, but maybe the damage is between a level one and two super. it does look cool, maybe a nice finisher…