According to d44Bas CvS2 nationals is being streamed today here :
Not live yet.
Bas wins singles. 3v3 later today
According to d44Bas CvS2 nationals is being streamed today here :
Not live yet.
Bas wins singles. 3v3 later today
Knowing my luck I’ll be at work when it starts -_- Oh well, youtube replays work just as well.
Should start in >2 hours
I will probably miss it too :<
Thanks man! Awesome that this is streamed this year, tuning in right now!
Here’s the singles entry list:
Blanca Chun-Li Sakura: A 1 SAW Kyoto
Ryu Sagat sound: C Osaka 2 喫音 @ Banchou Kenka
Blanca sound Sagat: C 3 Ol Tokai Kaiser
Burankabega Sakura: A four differences and Nara
Sagat dance sound: K 5 Rye Osaka
Blanca Vega Balrog: A Tokai 6 code
Honda Sagat Blanca: E Hyogo Taku 7
Liu Rorento hermitage: C Kanto 8MoMo
Kensagatto red circle: S Izumi Kanto 9
Sagat Blanca Geese: K Kanto roof 10
Kim Ryu Sagat: C 11 Kanto towel
Blanca Vega Bison: K Kodama, Hyogo 12
Blanca Vega Balrog: A Kanto 13D44
Sagat Blanca hermitage: C 14 Ota Hyogo
Yamazaki Rugal Sagat: P Kanto 15P Luga
Begaburanka Sakura: A cut Hyogo 16
17 I win! Sagat Cammy Blanca: K Osaka
18 south a-choC: Joe Sagat Blanca
Blanca Vega Balrog: A Kiyoshi Osaka Tues 19
Chun-Li Sagat hermitage: C Kanto 20UWB
Sagat Cammy Kyoto: K Location: China Tch 21
Yamazaki Blanca Zangief: A Kanto 22GunterJPN
Blanca Ken Sagat: C Osaka snake 23Dra
Symphony No. Morrigan: K-chan Kanto have been 24 or
Rorentobega Sakura: A Tokai Silla 25
Blanca Sagat Cammy: K Miyazawa, Hiromi Hokuriku 26
Sagat Cammy Chun-Li: C Tokai 27KIKU
Blanca Sagat Cammy: K Tokai Jang police craftsman 28 combo
Ken Guile Sagat: C 29 Kanto giant flying squirrel
Morrigan Zangief Leiden: K Yamamoto screw Kanto run @ 30
Got to try that E groove out sometime.
C-groove on the rise in 2012.
are these videos on youtube yet :eek:
lol its only available in CvS2-II : Zillionaire Fighting
@SNAAAAKE - Doesn’t look like it but this is a-cho’s yt
Dangit, Japan always keeps the best stuff to themselves!
No tourney vids up yet, but I’ve been killing time watching pre-tourney casuals
CvS2 :sad:
And those are just casuals XD. Damn so entertaining.
r there n e vids yet
I checked a-cho’s channel and did not see any new vids. It’s weird, because they’ve also done this in past cvs2 nationals - only release videos of casual, and withhold footage of the tournaments themselves.
DAMN those Ioris!!!