Anyone else having trouble finding a character to main? I have always played Honda but now that the Gief is actually playable for me he is so much fun!
I also love Boxer and Fei Long.
Anyone else notice this?
Anyone else having trouble finding a character to main? I have always played Honda but now that the Gief is actually playable for me he is so much fun!
I also love Boxer and Fei Long.
Anyone else notice this?
I used to have similar difficulty in SF2 (all iterations) when I was younger, though that’s more due to the fact that the characters I liked were all charge characters, and I used to have a lot of trouble with the charge mechanics back then. I’ve since taken a liking to Dee Jay though, and stuck with him.
Easy choice for me, the new Gat is pimp sauce, and Guile has been a standby for me for years, and he got sick buffs too!
Honda and Sim are hella fun too.
Yeah I’m still deciding between Pink and Red blanka and Darkness red and grey Blanka. Anyone help me plz?
I never really end up with more than one ‘main’, but I always do the same thing to pick a main. If I start losing matches with my current main and I think its my character’s fault (after properly researching), I just switch. Avoid the frustrations of trying to figure out how to patch a hole the character wasn’t meant to patch - if you find yourself getting into those holes, you probably don’t fit that character’s stylte.
A lot of red and grey Blankas around. Go for a signature look!
I’ve always liked Chun. Back in the day, I used to really like Guile and Vega a lot, but I don’t use them quite as much now. My favorite sub character has been Thawk for a long time, but in STHD, I’ve been using Fei as a sub a whole lot lately.
I’ve been maining Vega and Bison. Vega’s the first character I ever used in SF and I’m trying to up my game so that I can be as dominant as some of the other Claws online. Bison is someone I’m playing with strictly for his gameplay style being all-out offence which is about as far away from my usual play style as possible.
It’s been fun.
I’m having trouble sticking to my main too. Thanks to Remix’s easier inputs, a lot of characters are now more fun for me, eg Zangief, Fei and Sagat. My main was Ryu for a long time (since WW), but I find myself cycling a lot between Ken, Fei, Guile, Sagat, Zangief, Dee Jay and Blanka.
I feel like a kid in a candy store. = )
It’s always been about Deejay (banana yellow) and Fei-long (royal blue) for me. Though I’ve recently added Blanka. (electric shock blue skin and yellow hair)
I’ve been able to narrow it down to Guile, Dee Jay, Cammy, Blanka, Bison and Akuma.
See? Only 1/3 of the cast, that’s all.
everyone is red and gray blanka.
yellow skin orange hair (or is it green? blue? forgot lol) blanka is much cooler.
I play Blanks, E. Honda, and Claw from time to time.
MANGO BRANKA! its more of a yellow, but its fun to say 'mango branka’
or pink hawk. my hawk is trash but landing SPD’s is the most satisfying thing for me in this game.
Sagat and dictator are my mains but I’m having a lot of trouble finding a third main so I switch between dj, fei, sim, akuma, and claw lol.
Chun li since day 1! Played her since I was 12 on the snes. Although i am also finding cammy quite fun to use…
I main Ryu but I cycle between Dee Jay, Bison, and Balrog. Guile is looking pretty good I must admit