A&C Ultimate Gamer - UMvC3 Qualifiers Tournament (Aug. 1st) @ 7p

no but there would be outrage of ronaldo hopped on the field for a highschool game with a cash prize. The tournaments on paper are great for all the reasons you said above. The problem is when people who have no business entering them, snake their way in in for free cash, it defeats the whole purpose. I can sit here and say this shit every tournament (like i have been) until im blue in the face,but it requires you guys entering them to say something.

Oh okay my mistake, i thought you meant the idea of the tournament was a joke rather then the way it turns out, sorry about that hah.

imho, jing is not a top player and there shouldn’t be any problems with the fact that he entered.

This is a direct quote from the events main post

"The goal in our event is to find, help build and develop more top players who will compete with the best in the world! "

The event is designed to attempt to give players with very little experience a chance to train with top players and gain pointers and knowledge to level up their game. Jing has already stated that he is in it for free money. Even if he hadnt said that, he has already established himself as well regarded mvc player and alreayd trains with all the considered top players, thus leaving his only motivation for entering as free money because he is clearly leagues above everyone else who went to this. The fact people are even justifying this astounds me. Hell, even rae was on the mic saying he had no part of letting jing in.

who else was not allowed in? i was expecting there to be more competition and players who could beat jing

Chachaman wasn’t allowed in, which I think is appropriate cause he did win the 2nd underdogs tournament.

With the basis that he never won an actual tournament and has only placed 3rd (Feb) in one, he was allowed. 3rd place in Marvel is a good rank but anyone can be in that placing because of the way this game is built.

Everybody expects Jing to win but you got Dice who has great knowledge of marvel games (MvC2) and Lolimar who has placed high enough in almost every tournaments in Toronto, including a few majors. Then you got the known players that don’t do as well but have experience ever since marvel came out.

In any case, some of you may not agree but the show will still go on. If you feel strongly about it, just send me a PM and we can discuss internally.

On with the show.

TTT and A&C needs your help. This Wednesday, the coaches will battle it out on who gets the first pick out of the Top 8. We need to know what retro game you guys want them to play.

Here are some ideas given to me:
-Double Dragon Tournament Mode
-Power Stone

Let us know what games you want to see on stream.


Russell the simple point of it is that you created a great event to help level up players and improve their skill set, and you have 1 player who is far beyond the level of everyone else, already trains with his coaches on a regular basis, and simply entered the event, by his own admission, for free money. He is already banned from the underdog tournaments since he placed extremely high at all 3. In my opinion, and I could always be wrong, someone needs to stop letting bullshit like this go on or these underdog/level up style tournaments are going to crash and burn.

Scott: As always thanks for the input. All i can say really is that Jing is not as good as what people bring him out to be. Sure he placed high in that one tournament but other than that, he has not proven himself to be up there like the rest of the guys. This is in no way to offend Jing or anything. I’m just stating past rankings. Jing has experience but I can say the same thing about 3 other players in that list. Mr. MKL, Lolimar and Dice. All i’m saying is that we can’t punish him because he comes to casuals every Wednesdays and participates in every tournament. The decision to add him was certainly controversial (along with ChaChaMan asking to enter) but I can see how a few people would think of this differently. It will certainly be noted for future Ultimate Gamers we do.

So anyone have any ideas for Retro Game for the coaches to play?
-Double Dragon Tournament Mode
-Power Stone


Smash bros 64 :wink: even though its not retro lmfao

there is always gonna be a top player, if it isnt jing, its dice, and then the next in line. maybe his experience puts him on the edge of acceptance, but either way i welcome the challenge. the rules have given some of us players the breathing room to break out of the lower tournament standings, however it goes down it should be an interesting showcase of the mid level players.

as for retro games… tetrishpere vs mode for the N64

lol @ dice being considered remotely decent at umvc

im glad jing being in there offers you a challenge, maybe this will be a motivation for some of you. The main question is, where and how do you draw the line on who is allowed?

Don’t sleep on Dice. He’s got solid fundamentals and his team’s super scummy. If he learns some actual Vergil combos I can see him taking this.

iirc, after the autoshop tournament, dice told me that he had started playing umvc3 not too long ago

A&C Ultimate Gamer Interviews:


More interviews coming tomorrow in preparation for the first match.

Jin vs Dice01
Lolimar vs Jing
Mr. MKL vs RTyst
JimmyFierce vs Hulk

The matches are ft7.


Ultimate Gamer Participant Interviews:

Blue Team




Red Team




Make your bets and enjoy the show tonight @7p.


Power stones lets go!!!

[SIZE=6]HULK SMASH!!! [SIZE=3][FONT=arial]Congrats to the winners, especially Lolimar for Smashing his way through Jing :)[/SIZE][/FONT][/SIZE]

Results for day one please :blush:

Results For Week 1:

Lolimar beat Jing
Dice beat Jin
Mr.MKL beat RTyst
JimmyFierce beat Hulk

Thanks to everyone who came yesterday. The matches intensifies next week now that Jing is gone.
Who will take his place and be crowned Ultimate Gamer.
