I’ve been thinking about picking up Blanka as my R2 character to replace Bison. I’m interested to see what people see as advantages/disadvantages for either characters in this position. I guess this would include matchups vs common R2 characters as well as execution/combos (ie is blankas c.short, c.short combo necessary - especially on crossup). I’m pretty newb with Blanka and my Bison seems to either get owned … or land custom ftw.
I cant rc psycho crusher. I always get non-rc jab psychocrusher.
RC electricity is pretty much the only RC I can do consistently - I’m out of practice atm, but that’s a matter of practice…
Isn’t c.LK, c.LK w/ Blanka a 1-frame link? Unless you’re some sort of wizard w/ perfect execution that’s not going to be very practical in a real match. Try c.LK, s.LP x Blanka Ball instead.
i havent played this game like forever, so i dont know how much has changed over the year but:
-bison does more damage per hit than blanka (and pretty much more than any other character in the game. c.mk does like 1100 iirc) but his range is obviously shorter
-bison without meter and bison with meter plays very differently. blanka is more solid
-bison has an easier time vs hibiki and to a certain extent sakura but blanka does better vs rolento and sagat
-bisons walking speed and roll > blankas walking speed and roll but blankas jump >>>> bisons
If you ever notice, Blanka R2 is a totally different fucking character. The monkey has like an assload of health and does ton of damage on R2 compared to his R1, I stick with him as R2 on A so i suggest you do as well. PTF is still solid as R1.
Blanka’s 1 frame link - I’ve seen this done quite consistently (Sydney, ftw). I myself have trouble however. Cross up c.short s.jab xx blanka ball i also have trouble with… i never seem to have charge.
Rohan - agreed, with whole post. He’s very good at finishing off R1’s
Lol… team dictator… it would still be team dictator without blanka though…
Walk/Rollspeeds/Jumps - not really an issue imo… both characters have more than enough to play around anything in this department
With/Without meter - agreed blanka is a bit more solid. Bison ratio 1 I like being able to burn meter without thinking that it’s taking away largely from blankas game. With blanka as R1 before bison I would never want to use meter so that Bison would have it to start…
Anyway, pretty much decided to put blanka R2. Just time to practice and see more of the matchups for myself I guess.
Sorry for not multiquoting… thing doesnt work while im at the office… and im too lazy to do it myself…
there’s some trick to doing that particular combo (cross up mk, c.short, s.jab xx blanka ball), something to do with doing the moves slower, but i have never bother to get it consistently…i think the cr.short x 2 combo is easier once you get use to it In the mean time, the easiest way out if you wanna combo is to do the up ball instead of the forward ball.
to be honest i never really use cross up combos anymore, probrably cause i don’t get them consistently…that and people generally block my cross ups…
c.lk, clk -> guy in sydney did it on jap buttons with double tapping technique… it was actually a surprise when he didnt land it.
i agree with noodleman in that each combo takes practice and you have to learn the timing, so i guess whichever you learn first would be easier than the other at that time…
Think i’ll learn the c.lk,s.jab after and s.jab xx elec for after cross up… would like to be able towalk in c.short, c.short, s.jab though
double tapping shouldn’t help with the 1 frame link tho…it’s just a matter of getting use to it.
if you’re gonna spend time getting use to combos, i would suggest cr.lkx2, st.jab xx ball instead, as that can be used in alot more situations than that c.lk, s.jab combo.
Like you said, you wouldn’t be able to move foward and do c.lkx2, s.jab combo. just my 2 cents.
What punishes this aside from supers like high tiger (which I dont even know for sure if it punishes, I just assume it would)?
I’m assuming Bison jab, jab, activate is a good no charge combo into cc… although I havent been able to land it consistently… does blanka have a combo into activation other than rc electricity? maybe a close standing strong activate s.jab?
you should probrably simplfy your cc’s…no point in risking blowing your meter on a combo…the only times I combo into activate is either from a jump in rh -> activate, or electricity into activate. All the other times I activate is through someone’s move.
Well, I like to be able to activate in more situations… imo jab jab activate shouldnt be a risk. It also gives you the jab, walk forward counter hit jab/throw option with bison (rather than jab, walk forward throw/activate). It wouldnt be the only thing I would go for, and wouldnt even be the option I would attempt most often in general… it’s just an option.