(909) and everyone else! help me plan my first tournament!

whats up guys i have a thread over in the tournament and events form, but i was suggested to come over here for your guys help :slight_smile:

i plan on organizing a tournament sometime in mid march in Ontario california, at a friends comic book store that is opening this month on the 20th, called New Age Comics.

this will be my first tournament i have ever organized so imma need some help haha

i plan on it being super street figher 4, but with MvC3 right around the corner, i was thinking maybe having a tv for a mini MvC3 tourny or just casuals, unless theres an overwhelming demand for more space.

i think i have the basics down like the need for multiple tv’s, consoles, copys of the game. i myself have only been to one ssf4 event, a ranbat over at Shuffle n Cut, but i follow the game and i think i have a pretty good idea on the rules and brackets, but any tips or info you guys have would be GREATLY appreciated

i have yet to be to the store and the space i have to work with seeing as how ive only been thinking about this for about 3 days, and i just got the okay from the boss man today. but i plan on going down there tomorrow and checking it out.

so i guess this will be an on going thread as i run into more obstacles so any help you guys have for the time being would be awesome.

Mvc3 on Xbox or PS3?