9/26/10 Lodi NorCal Downtown #3 SSFIV/TvC Tournaments PLEASE STICKY

The NorCal Downtown Throwdown 09/26/10

There will be a Super Street Fighter IV tournament coming up on Sept 26th (The last sunday of September). We wanted to advertise this early because we wanted it to be a big event.

The tournament will be for CASH PRIZES and the pot will be split up 70%, 20%, 10%. The entry fee will be 10 dollars 2 of which will go towards future tournaments. Not only will there be a tournament but also an Independent Capcom Trade Show, where there will be: Comics/Manga, Video Games, Wall Scrolls, Controllers, Sticks and Sanwa Parts. Bottled water will be provided. (If you would like anything special ordered please let us know at least 2 weeks in advanced so we can have it on tournament day!)

The address for the Venue is.

Lodi Comic Grapevine
9 West Pine St
Lodi Ca
And will be provided by Alan Chan.

The tournament will be played on the XBOX 360 and ran on 4 Crt Setups. We can provide standard XBOX controllers/ Six Buttons/ and a Se stick, but you will be able to bring any of your own controllers/sticks. There will be a losers and winners bracket double elimination. Enrollment starts at 11am and ends at 3:30pm. The tournament starts at 3:30pm to give players time to relax have casuals and eat lunch.
Parking is free.

For any other questions contact.
Randal Weber @ 209-369-1405 Tuesday through Sunday from 10 am - 7 pm, or for quick question you can send a message to me, Rtypefinal, codallenschmidt on the SRK forums.

We want to thank everyone that went last time. We had 34 participants for a seconde tournament. Gratz to 200 yen (Sagat $190), Tihn (Sagat,Rufus $51), and Opher (Balrog $25) Again we couldnt do it without everyones support so please lets get hype and bring your friends. If this continues to grow we want to make it a major so we are looking at renting a hall for more space! Lets make that dream a reality. If there are any other games you would like to see at the tournament or in future tournaments please let us know, if we get enough we will run mulitple games at once.


Now that we’re preparing for our third strike, err… event we want to know what games you would like to see on the side.
Next to the fighters are the amounts of votes received for each game.

**Capcom Fighters:
Capcom vs. SNK 2 (PS2)
Marvel vs. Capcom 2 (PS3)
Street Fighter Alpha 3 (PS2)
Street Fighter III 3rd Strike (PS2)
Super Street Fighter II HD Remix (360)
Tatsunoko vs. Capcom (Wii) (5)

Non-Capcom Fighters:
Blazblue: Continuum Shift (360) (2)
Meltyblood (PS2) (1)

We may be able to do a small side-tournament with one of these said games. The buy-in for side tournaments will be considerably less and would be presented in a 60/40 1st & 2nd place take-all fashion. The only problem is that we would be limited to two dedicated set-ups.

This is only an after thought though, as we anticipate turnout may be from 30-50 players this time around. We’re definitely counting on your support to help us continue making this a bigger and better event.

Feedback is encouraged & appreciated. Seeing as we have about 2 months of prep so that should give us plenty of time to see to player demands.

And for those who are curious as to how the bracket looked last time around, here you go:


tatsu or blaz off top


Jeez i feel like Thrust in the NCR SF2:HDRemix trailer.:clapdos:

if ther was any TvC over here I would definately show up

1st tournament there was like 5 or 6 heads playin tvc but at the 2nd there was only 2 including me lmfao

if enough ppl post asking for a tvc tourney it could happen but idk its lookin bleak

Honestly, I wouldn’t mind seeing TvC being ran (seeing as though Melty’s not in competition).

well wtf, lets go for it! I’ll totally try to bring some TvC comp down ther again…that is if NOBODY FLAKES AGAIN…damn bastard friends of mines lol

I’m going if there’s TvC.

So yeah, my vote for TvC.

I vote for TvC as well. Can I catch a ride with you to this event as well Yoshi?

Lol even if they make TvC a free side tournament we can still do money matches for the finals since I have a pretty good idea who’s gonna end up in top 3!

hey i was told that there were sessions at lodi videogame exchange on sundays. i roll up with my buddies last night and no one was there… =(

lol there are but we post them a week in advanced sorry bro. dude who owns da shop is in LA, I will add u 2 friends and let u know when

also interested in a teams tournament for ssfiv 3 v 3 or 5v5 let us know

Casuals on for this coming Sunday, Schmidtnurface will be operating the event so PM him for details.

Do to pregnant wife possibley having a kid casuals are cancelled till further notice


So it looks like if we’re going to offer a side tournament it’s most likely going to be:

Batsunoko vs. Ryucom…ahem!

Tatsunoko vs. Capcom!

So here’s the info:

2 CRT montior set ups with each Wii having a completely unlocked character roster.

Wired Gamecube controllers will be provided but it’s encouraged that you bring your own or a Wii Arcade Stick.

Double elimination: Winners & Losers

Next - The Fee
What sounds resonable to you guys? We were thinking a buy in from $2-$5 just because we anticipate it won’t be as large as the main event. Pot will most likely be split 60/40 for 1st and 2nd place but we may consider 70/20/10 or 60/30/10 depending on how much money is raised for the tournament.

This will be the first time we’ve officially ran a Tatsunoko vs. Capcom tournament in tandem with our normal Super Street Fighter IV tournament and we definitely need feedback from you guys so we can do it up right.

Also in addition to our Capcom Fighter tournaments held every other month we’ve decided to hold another event during the month of rotation. We’re pleased to announce that starting in October we’ll also be hosting Super Smash Bros. Brawl Tournaments at the same location (also held on a once every two months basis). Though we acknowledge that they are totally different territories it gives us something to do during the gap between our main event. For those who would be interested we’ll be sure to keep you posted.

Thanks for your continued support of our small town venue!

yo whens the next casuals session?

and for the brawl tournament i suggest you post it on smashboards so more ppl come

and yeah i got like 5 homies that play brawl religiously and they’ll all go

You guys need help running Tatsu on the side? I can lend a hand if need be.

As for Smash, I used to advertise on AllisBrawl.com and managed to pull in over 50 people at one point. That’s prolly your best bet since very rarely do people on SRK even care for the game. Personally I’d take Melee over Brawl.