9/19/09 Dreamlab SF4 Tournament Results

The first SF4 tournament at Dreamlab was a success! We had 42 participants, which was more than we initially expected. Big thanks to all the players for making it out. Congrats to Valle, Keno, and UTJ for making that money =)

Also, a big thanks to James for letting this happen! He was pretty happy with the turnout and is willing to host more tournaments in the future. Expect to see more games as well. We’re hoping to start a bi-monthly type thing.

So, I was planning to do full results, but the brackets seem to have disappeared. Before leaving to eat after the tournament, the brackets were left at the front counter. After I got back, it was gone. I can only remember up to the Top 8 + a couple of the 9th place players, but I’m not sure of the places. If anyone can help with this/correct me, post up =). Anyways, on to the results.

  1. Alex Valle (Gouken)
  2. Keno (Boxer)
  3. UTJ (Dhalsim)
  4. Vic the Slick (Dictator)
  5. Bryant the Tyrant (Boxer)
  6. KillerKai (Ryu)
  7. Mark Powlak? (Dictator/???)
  8. Jeff Effect (Boxer/Dictator)
  9. TingBoy (Ryu)
  10. Clark S. (Abel/El Fuerte)

Again, sorry about not posting the full results. If we stumble upon the lost brackets, I will post up the full results.

I’ll upload the videos to Youtube by tonight. Check back by then.

Edit: Videos are up. Here’s the playlist. http://www.youtube.com/view_play_list?p=EA5ABFF8EF335AEA

Killerkai played ryu?

It was a great event, I’m definitely looking forward to future events.

KillerKai has always played Ryu in SF4 I believe. There’s KillerKai who plays Ryu and Kai “HappyTang” the Fuerte player/SF4 Hater.

Thanks for all your hard work TingBoy, and all the players who came out to play. Grats to everyone in the top 8 and the prize winners.

This was a cool place and a good tourney, and thanks for running the tourney tingboy.

On a side note if some guy really did jack that SF4 copy out the sit down PS3, then fuck you to him.

hahahahahahaha!!! Epic fail!

Did they really steal that PS3 copy cuz that’s fucked up:nono:

Oh and who the hell yelled “ZORDON” in that one random matchup. Through me off, but hilarious as fuck.

UTJ went all Alpha 5 on us when he faced Keno lol.

Anyway, this was a fun tournament as it ran fast and smooth… I would come to the next one if things don’t get busy for me.

Yes, I play Ryu now that I truly believe SF4 is better than 3s. Because I am Kai and I use El Fuerte.

hahaha hey kai!

as bryant the tyrant told me when i accomplished something similar,
“Where was this at the 3v3…?”



Glad you like Ding Tai Fung :tup:

I ate at that Pho place. It was aite.

i ate at the donut shop next door. it was aite.

I went to Taco Bell ^^;

Anyway really chill and quick tournament. I have to say ting boy, this can be the hot spot for next tournies for sfiv. Really nice environment.

Oh keno, standing shorts haha


GGs everyone!

Smooth tourney with some new faces, which is always nice to see.

See you next time!

Half of the videos are up, while the other half are being uploaded right now. Check first post.

hahaha i said ayayayayay zordon when i fought keno.