757 Lock Down!

Aww man I was down in VA on Sunday dawg visiting my Grandma! Couldnt get in contact with you though because of your ahem, phone issues lol. But oh well maybe next time! :slight_smile: How was the tourney?

Ko ne nah? lol You canā€™t give me heads up online? Send me ur number again. Iā€™ll call ya and say whatā€™s up. :tup:

It was kinda last minute dawg I didnt even know Iā€™d be able to go down there lol. Thats why you need to have your phone on partna:razz: just playing man but yeah Iā€™ll shoot you my number:bgrin:

Let the truth be told. Lol Iā€™ll soon be copping a little job in the area and taking care of this :tup: Meantime, there is a house phone I make use of until I up my G-status.

um, so when was the next lock down again? I think Iā€™ll try to get in on that if I can make it.


Lock-Downā€™s older brother has got it all taken care of. :tup:

p.s. How did you do in your 3s tourney?

I like it, send me more info

I was shocked to see this thread bumped :open_mouth:

When I ran this, I didnā€™t know of any other events being held for local tourneys or such. Soon after, I learned of PAGG (Newport News for mostly Tekken/SSBB) and O-NO decided to pick up his own event named 757 Lock-In that appeared much more organized and spacious than my own idea.

757 Lock-Down went well and I learned a lot as far as what could have been done to make it better, so it was an awesome experience overall. I donā€™t know when O-NO plans to have another tourney (of which I would FIGHT to make it toā€¦sorry about missing the last one guys); also I donā€™t know when the next monthly @ PAGG is supposed to be, but I hear there may be one soon.

If enough guys were down, I could do this again and better, but I donā€™t see why it couldnā€™t be held at O-NOā€™s arcade/lounge location (ideal) or PAGG.

Were you interested in this, or did you have something to offer?

Were you interested in this, or did you have something to offer?

I would be intrested in something like this. Someone should do one of these.

Judge, the reason this canā€™t be done at PAGG (anymore) is b/c of what happened the last time there was stuff held there. the guy who handled the money on the Smash tournament (a kid that, i believe, worked there) wound up keeping the money and not giving it to Wes in a timely manner. and the last PAGG tournament have virtually NOBODY show up from the 2D community anyway, so iā€™d suggest just forgetting about that as a possible location anyway. unfortunately, the best way to get people to show up around here is by doing something like last timeā€¦hotel-style.