fat fuck
fat fuck
posting in an epic thread
Catches feelings so easy his rap name is lil’ coochie,
Looks like Desi Arnez but he acting all Lucy,
Hes so stressed he let me get the best of him,
Everyone only loved lucy cause she wasnt fucking mexican
Not surprised nobody brought up DDR, Bust A Move, and Tony Hawk in here. Cuz, you’d be too SCARED to play me in those games.
kats used to play ddr down here like hardcore, but noone plays it anymore but mall goths
ill money match in DDR/ITG!
Well, you serious? Can you pass Max 300, Maxx Unlimitz, and Legend of Max on heavy all in the same set no bar? If you can’t at least do that, don’t even think about it. Thats the a start, its gonna be tougher than just that.
I think he ate some really bitter strawberries
I’ll MM in some DDR but don’t expect me to be pullin out some Legend of Max AAA no bar bullshit. lol Also I’ll take you up on that chicken match Flame. My Busta Rhymes and Elephant Man ft10?
Max runs used to be fun. but like OJ4 said, no one plays anymore.
ill still money match you though if you money match me in smash melee.
best of 5 songs on ITG. PA, song lvs 9-10?
anyone that wants to get some games in tonight hit the cell.
i know nelson, ryry, and, chandon said they should be rollin through.
i’ll take your offer. i’ll even let u pick the songs. i havent played in forever so that should give u an advantage.
all this ddr talk is killing babies.
perhaps we should talk about something more important? like chromer coming to the lock in on the 7th and money matching me in mvc2. i dont even PLAY mvc2.
he wants to play me in xvsf, but i dont play that shit. he wont play me in mvc2, ST, A2 or 3rd. and i dont really play mvc2 either.
I feel so out the loop…I wish i coulda made it to the lockdown, but I owned at a SSBB throwdown tourney that day…(Pink Luigi RULZ, lol)
Anywho, I dont post in here much with fellow SoVA members and NoVA members, so I think I will make a start. I know most of u from either hitting seeing yall at GreenBriar and a few random visits round Clubhouse or I seen yall on Kaillera. I think even a few of yall came to my school, lol. Let me know when there is another one of those “Lockdowns” or when all yall will more than likely meet up, I will try to show up if I am not in college or at work.
O-NO: I need your cell phone number nigga. lol Also, I’m not a big fan of ITG. I love the game but the condition of the machine at Greenbrier isn’t exactly the best for a MM IMO. If you want to do Supernova then I’ll do that. Melee MM? Man that’s like paying you to kick my ass. lol Ain’t happenin. MvC2? I’ll pass. I never really got into that game. I will be at the lock in though. Best believe.
OJ4: Aight 3 songs $5 sound good? I’m a little rusty myself so I might need to warm up. Also I need practice in ST, A2, etc. before I even consider MM you. I really need a stick though and that stick that was being sold last lock down wasn’t worth $150 lol A3 I might MM you in but I have to get my Karen game down first.
What a treat.
It was ok Nelson, until I found Ninja Info Cards mix by this same guy. Then, it was just plain wrong.