lol disrespect? Man you’re acting like we just randomly started talking shit, YOU wanted to talk about money matches, shawn is trying to to get in on it that simple. I responded to that. Verics MSP isnt even very good he can block and knows combos but in a situation where something is on the line he doesnt use it. Maybe if you dont want to get shit talked you should stop talking shit. Its not even your fault, marvel has really advanced so far that you cannot play seriously and get far anymore unless you’re in one of the few hubs or can play in one of those groups regularly. Thats why alot of us really do just play to fuck around and have fun, its not worth it any other way.
LOL @ eric k saying everyone in VA gets 10-0ed, V isnt even best in NoVa, and he wouldnt be top 5 if everyone played as much as him and took it as seriously as he does.(We never get a marvel tourney going cause there are around 2-3 NOVA people who actually care beyond casuals) Should you really comment on a marvel discussion? I thought losing to me for free was the measuring stick for you to stfu.
^^You’re right. I did talk up some, but what would you do if someone started slinging it your way? Shawn did request a MM, but only after dogging me first and making a point of how he needs to handicap himself in order for me to have a chance.
I’ll keep playing the game because I have fun with it and enjoy playing others in it. Hopefully, I will get my chance to play you all in casuals or even in MMs someday at an event somewhere.
N-Ken, Shawn: Are you 2 coming to O-NO’s event in June? How about you two show me how the game is played when this goes down?
This is actually a really off-topic post, but I found the post you made in MvC2 strategies about the match b/w me and Veric, only reason I made that Alex Valle comment was that the team Veric picked was heavily used by Valle in the early days of Marvel.
EXIST vs 10X(CVS2)
RAMZA vs 10X(3rd)
ONO vs EXIST(3rd)
You forgot Nken’s better than everybody here in Smash Brawl.
That list is totally fucked up
Kimmicks beat Havoc in CvS2 in the chicken match, but lost to BChan, so that makes him the best in CvS2. Havoc lost to Kimmicks in CvS2 but beat me in MvC2, so Havoc should be teaching and accepting MM in MvC2.
Victor consistently beats you in tourneys, so that makes him better than you in all 3 games. A3, ST and Hopscotch.
Victor vs VEric MM in MvC2. Lets see that. It would be more interesting than you raping everybody in those MM. Lets see who really is the best in VA at MvC2.
Oh yeah Pablo by far has the most natural talent in NOVA. I just think that since he doesn’t travel or visit SRK, he is at a huge disadvantage. If this man left NOVA for games, I guarantee that he would be the most dominate player in this area.