get HYPE!!!
All new applicants for The House should be sent before 11 AM today.
Pretty much everyone in this thread from NOVA will beat you, I suck ass and I’ll beat you. I dont really think you know relative skill levels if you think that someone needs to be able to beat veric consistently for you to be free money. lol I still can’t believe you said pablo didnt look that good, he’s another person who would most likely 10-0 you.
Seriously come to c3, Im prob your best shot at beating someone from Nova who plays marvel, Ill MM you.
application process is closed for today unless you can answer this riddle…
what color is the ceiling at the Northern england chapter of house!?
only The Council understands such new jersey talk
Find something better to do with your time than riding my jock from a post directed at someone else. I don’t remember challenging NoVa to a MM, so don’t butt in.
And someone said NoVa was about jokes and SoVa was serious…
when you get dissed by ken you should quit marvel LOL hahahhahahhaha
this thread officially pleases me
<3 ken
how is he is riding your jock? you got 10-0’d in Marvel by Eric, just like everyone else that plays in VA. if anything Nken’s probably right on your level. unless you lost every game by pixels, I doubt you’ll really do that much better against Eric the next time anyways.
Ouch, I think we gotta give more respect to the guy who was a big part of making this happen. I know if I was in his shoes, I’d feel like people didn’t appreciate my effort and help in putting the event together. Seriously, if I did what he did and read this stuff being said about me, I’d question whether or putting it together again. This probably wouldn’t have even happened if it wasn’t for judge rl.
Why does Marvel do this to people? Judge, Ken’s a nice guy, his post just came out wrong. I’m still trying to win a MM against Veric and it’s been about 2 YEARS! Fucking Magneto.
what respect? talking about the actual games(you win? good shit. you lose? smh~) themselves has no bearing on what you do for the community. don’t try to combine that shit together.
I’m saying that obviously, hes a little offended right now and theres no actual need to say that stuff about him. It doesn’t really do anything but make things more negative.
I play Eric V. Ft10 for $50. I come close to beating him 3x, but, ultimately, sink to his Magneto. Once Mag is taken out, then he drops hail. He is a very good player. I am not yet at his level, but I enjoy playing him because he pushes me further in the game. Competition is better than bacon to me.
After the event, I post the results. Shawnlogan posts that since Eric V. ran me through 10-0, he should have no sweat taking my money also. He says he will even play on DC pad to make it a little easier for me. I play on DC pad. Go figure. This man just disrespected me. This is where it started.
I don’t take credit for this little gathering. Gamers will meet somewhere regardless of who does what or not. There is ALWAYS someone else. Thanks Dimmu, but you’re kinda going on a tangent.
N-Ken comes out of nowhere and decides to jump on the disrespect Judge bandwagon, by saying that all of NoVa could take me in Marvel. He says he is considered shit in the game and could still take me. I don’t consider myself shit in the game, so, logically, I don’t think so.
I don’t think these two guys are all that bad. Nah. I just think they have that competitive edge that I look for in the people I play. What gets me, whether they were digging for a response or not, is how they run at the mouth at my lack of skill in the game. I consider myself an intermediate Marvel player. Thus I will not be smacked around like a 3rd grader at the game. Period. It’s a sport. The trash talk is welcome. Just refrain from doing so until you have actually played me and had the chance to put your money where your mouth is.
Damn Anthony, you just sonned this whole thread. You sounded like Barak trying to get elected.
Since when does Aaron play A3? lol your posts are getting funnier every time I read them “I’ll MM anybody in a game I don’t play, unless people show up who can beat me.” You only win in A3 cause your reflexes are better than Computer controlled Shin-Akuma on 8 stars. Not that that’s an insult, it’s just annoying as hell to fight against. I think you should MM everyone in 3s for $5 you’d still be rich. You got to get over the mentality that you have where you won’t play anyone that you think will beat you. You won’t get better unless you play better people. Don’t wait until you’re completely convinced 100% that you’re better than your potential opponents. Next time you do show up, I bet you’re gonna destroy everyone’s expectations of how good you may or may not be, even if you don’t.
This was GDLK I literally laughed out loud when I read this, good job sir. I’ll throw in that extra nickel, you’re on.
cant we all just get along, improve, and turn va into a gaming juggernaut i mean damn
steve fox>magneto
You know how I am. I always said when I get my custom stick down though. The thing is, I try not to really disrespect others (though I do unintentially and regret some things I might say) and I mean, I already told you, especially since I’m up and coming and relatively inexperienced, I feel like I got more to prove than others playing for years and years and say some hype stuff. I did say “anybody” though, so I could eat my words.
LIke I said though, you know how competitive I am, and I’ve never really said anything I don’t think is true. I’ve always told you the people I think are better than I am and I never deny it. I also told you I don’t think I’m relatively that great in 3s. And I’ll be happy to let you test my controller which is why I mention the joystick.
EDIT: Also, it costs money to travel anywhere nowadays. Its like $60-$70 now for a round trip to northern VA and I’m guessing about $30 round trip to VA Beach. I welcome anybody to come to RVA from those places. I’ll travel once in a while but its expensive. I welcome anybody else to come to Richmond VA.
Magneto w/ Psylocke AAA
Also Pam and Christine are mine, back off.
all i see in this thread is blah blah blah, steve fox < storm, blah blah blah
i mean no disrespect in my postings… maybe you should look at it as a challenge instead of disrespect… i made a name for myself through nothing but practice and im still not good (cause im white, im limited by boundries). so dont expect easy entries around here.
Why challenge eric v for money still when there are plenty of other people who will play you for money?? shit come to c3 if you want MM’s, i can line em up all day for you… ill drop whatever you want on a ft7/10, you just let me know… but seriously step your game up man, no disrespect, be like nike and just do it… else you going to get stomped on by sentinels air force ones.
I didn’t challenge Eric V. to take his money. I challenged him the first time because I thought it would be good hype for the event that just passed. I then challenged him afterwards, because, quite frankly, he is the best Marvel player I personally know right now.
I’m kinda tired of the convo over this subject, so I hope all understand where I’m coming from with my above statement.