2: I was able to replicate juggling people with the fierce rising hawk in the non-normal way. If you hit someone in the air close to the corner you land before they do and can tack on a second hit by doing another fierce rising hawk. The easiest way to see this is to pick Dictator in training mode and have him jump about one character width away from a corner. Try to hit him at the very top of his arc, almost as if he is landing on your head rather than you plowing into him.
Probably not very useful but interesting nonetheless.
I just stumbled across ultradavid’s post about the glitched (?) new 720 motion and I thought I’d give it a try tonight.
Basically just doing two half circles back and then hitting up back is too good. Much easier than having to hit forward. I don’t think it makes Hawk drastically better but with a full super meter he’s even more dangerous to make a mistake against…
Having difficulty vs. Dictator, Claw, and Honda. Dictator primarily just running away the whole match and as soon as I get close jumping over me to safety unless I psychic DP him. Claw isn’t too bad. I started c.hp wall dives and seemed to have pretty good success.
honda is a pain in the ass. the only thing i can think of is psychic dp/dp on reaction to his headbutts and HHS and psychic dp when he tries to counter throw you. its a losing battle but if you scare him with enough psychic dps, you can get some storm hammers and crossups in and win.
bison. corner him and he can’t do much about your splash (j. d+hp). his throw range is pretty big so watch out for that if you’re going for ticks into storm hammer.
Much to the dismay of T.Hawk players, I’ll give away Bison’s secret. Low Forward beats Hawk’s Jumping Jab. He lands in it, and Bison, if timed well, can even Combo Stand Roundhouse off of it, since you can make it act like a Meaty.
Of course, then Hawk can change to Down + Splash to nail the Low Forward, but as Sirlin showed me, a well timed Crouch Fierce or Stand Jab beats Hawk’s splash… but not Hawk’s J.Jab!
woah woah woah, you must be playing some REALLY bad hawks to be jumping in from that far that youll land on his cr.mk. holy jesus. only time i jump in against bison or chun is if its going to hit his head.
Actually a Hawk that knows how to play against Bison will never jump from far, Bison wins with just a meaty low foward into anything (another low forward-scissors combo, standing short-rh combo). the only place T.Hawk should be jumping is from close range or against a cornered Bison.
Never jump with Jab beyond the corner against Bison, jump with either a well timed fierce, down+fierce or just short which beats any low attack. Also take note that the Dive works wonders here in HD Remix, the match is somewhat reversed to Hawk’s favor now if he gets in with a dive.
Aside note, after switching on hit boxes I noticed that O.Hawk/R.Hawk has a really big box on his jumping strong (not elbow). When I tried it to my shock it was as good as Cammy’s from OG ST if not better priority, not only that but you can also cross-up with it !!
I played Gief today and had a little bit of a rough time.
What would you suggest against KKK lariats? Seems that timing has to be pretty good to counter legs otherwise he can easily use a piledriver to punish.
You can Crouch Block the Hawk Dive. Which leaves you still charged. And Chun Li’s Short Razor Kick beats T.Hawk’s J.Jab. So it’s not QUITE as easy as you say it is.
Against Gief you really have to mix it up. I tend to use a fair amount of low roundhouse, jumping straight up roundhouse, an occasional stand rh (but this can be lariated pretty easily so watch out), a decent amount of jumping around outside of range of any attack, etc. The second hit of low roundhouse has pretty good range, you have to learn both the range and the timing on it. It seems to go farther than Gief’s low roundhouse and someone using the kick lariat to go through and throw is not something that’s ever happened to me I don’t think.
This match actually feels pretty similar to playing against Gief as Blanka in that if you mix it up you’re in good shape and can really frustrate him. Hawk’s jumping straight up roundhouse has tremendous range and doesn’t get beaten air to air very often.
That said I don’t have a good handle on this match. One thing I do know is that the dive is pretty friggin worthless unless you need one last hit.
So I tested it out, and it’s interesting. Basically, T.Hawk’s Jump Jab CANNOT HIT a Crouching Bison. That’s why the Bison Low Forward works. There is no distance in which Hawk’s Jump Jab will hit a Crouching Bison. However, EVERY OTHER MOVE hits him, which is why if Bison tries to counter with a Low Forward, he can get REALLY mopped up. But, yes, a Low Forward is 100% guaranteed anti-air to Hawk’s Jumping Jab.
Im gonna have to try this out later. Seems really interesting. Thanks for letting me know. If bison keeps doing it then do the tactic that gets EVERYONE AT LEAST once and early whiff j.hk land 360
what i mean to say that its really hard to do that because you have to wait till j.jab is about to hit you for the short upkicks to beat it. Its too stric to be able to do consistently especially online i’ve lost to a lot of T-Haws who kept whoring j.jab out because the reward is well worth the risk. Even in St tourney’s i’ve always had a hard time with that macthup but in ST:HD it seems harder
Gotta say, I think the new 360 motions might be too easy.
You can start and down-back, or down-towards, and do a half-circle and punch and get the 360. (down-back, curl to up-towards+punch for example). That’s a half circle. Half 360. lol.
Hell, tap down-back, towards, then back + punch really quickly and you can get 360s. (I think you have to go to neutral down too, but you know what I mean)
Seriously. Hawks jab kills her upkicks like EVERY time unless you do it at the latest point possible and with the heavy startup on upkicks, good luck doing it every time.
I just played against a solid chun (and player) and the first and last round were just brutal. She still cant do nearly anything about [now old] hawks splash. What I know beats it is jump straight up lk, which works only if hawk is jumping from far and not on top of her, and a lucky air throw (and i stress lucky). If someone can tell me what else can beat his splash id love to know, just for curiosity sakes. As far as i know, once hawk is on top of her with his splash, its gonna tkae a huge mistake for hawk to lose.