Hey guys, I’m having a bit of trouble landing any grappling 720 motions. I know it can be a 540 but even then I have no luck. What do i do? Can I do 2 versions of the regular 360 shortcut for a 720? Like, a 270 to a 270? Would that work? Is it possible to land without buffering? I don’t always want to have to jump into it or FA into it. Any tips for a square gate?
as far as i know, 720 motion can only be done when buffered into. you can dash>720, whiff grab>720,tick normal>720, even taunt>720.
Not sure about SSFIV, but I definitely was able to tachi gigas (standing 720) with Zangief a few times in vanilla. I can tell you right now that if I manage to get one in a match in SSFIV, I will be immediately saving that replay.
Tips for a standing 720, start with forward. I try to rotate in a 6321476232147632147 motion, and hit the punches at the second 7 while still rotating as fast as my hands will let me. You start jumping as soon as you hit up, so you have a tiny-ass window to get the second 360 in. If you’re hitting the edge of the gate for anything but the 6, you’re probably not going to be able to pull it off. Try going to training mode and learning the timing for how much time you have between pressing the first up input, and when you can no longer throw because you’re committed to jumping. Not sure if it’s possible with Gief or T. Hawk or anyone else in SSFIV, but basically, if you’re going for a standing 360 on wake up, and you have Ultra and you know you’re throwing the punches early enough to throw instead of jump, there’s no harm in trying to Ultra, but outside of training mode I only know of two times in SFIV that I definitely landed it in a match, and one of them was against a friend who confirmed there was no dash in or other whiff/tick/taunt, so I’m sure it can be done in SFIV. It’s impractical to ever expect, but like I said, if you use it in the above wake up scenario only, and you time the punches so you’ll at least command throw, no harm in trying, other than possibly sore hands.
P.S. If you’re hitting your gate a lot, especially near/in the corners, try to practice command throws in training mode with input display on…your motion will get more concise, more efficient, and probably faster and more consistent as a result.
There’s a topic in the Geif section about standing 720s saying they been removed in SSF4. He can do it in SF4 but he hasn’t been able to in SSF4 yet so he thinks they’ve been removed.
Beyond the whole Jump -> churn butter ->land PPP… Be very conscious of where you start your buffers so that they can end in advantageous positions. Try to end in down/down+back positions basically as you start to learn it.
Example: From the 1p side, do df+lp (thrust peak) and go counter-clockwise around once and all the way to your down+back gate corner then PPP. The command jab leaves plenty of time so you don’t have to be afraid of jumping if you mess up you don’t end up with a flailing j.hp that leaves you open to attack, and it’s easy to find that corner on your gate. Another good one is starting from back/toward+st.MK (not command normals) and then rotating either clockwise/counter so you can end on Down+PPP.
It is important to note that the game doesn’t care which direction you spin the stick.
It is in super and Don’t bother learning standing 720 it’s a waste of time. It’s been used in high level touney play only a few times and that was just showing off. Are you good at 360 comand grabs yet. If not get this down first and only try 720’s on wake up or empty jump ins. Once you are 100 percent with dash 360’s or standing 360’s then try the dash 720 or buffer lk 720. That’s all you need.
What could be better than buffering a 360 with a taunt?
Well, I guess a lot, but beating them in their own minds is one step closer to beating them IRL!
Play ST and learn how to do 360s and 720s. Learning how to do a proper 360 and 720 will give you the ability to learn how to do it in any game.
dont ride the gate first of all. second as others have said learn to buffer , ie spire’ buffer by performing motion’ end of spire punch of your choice. thats just one of many ways. find moves with long forward moving animations (frames) that are usually blocked and buffer the move during . gief is hard/medium kick . hakan has oil slide / hard kick/ hard punch(oiled) so on so forth
like bp amoco said…
practice with all the possible motions 360 at first.(walking,standing,jumping,dashing…inside moves,after focus)
When you strong enough to that and you can’t do it with closed eyes.Try it with 720.
The most easy way for start is while jumping.Because you have plenty of time before T.Hawk land.
Try this a few times and then go for the others.Eventually you will learn it.
Or if all fails, buy a 8 gate , and replace that gay 4 gate.
Impractical, but possible.
I went from American sticks to Japanese sticks and couldn’t execute anything after the change. I installed an octagonal gate to replace the square gate and did better, though the notches felt strange to me. After some practice, I decided to try square again because it’s the standard and I felt I should get used to it since that’s what is in stock sticks and arcade machines now. After playing with the octagonal gate, I was able to execute just fine on the square gate. I noticed I wasn’t riding the gate anymore. So I guess the octagonal gate was like my training wheels.
I still have the problem of accidental crouching/jumping when playing with square gates, but atleast I can execute now.
Maybe an octagonal gate will help you in a similar way.
If you can get your hands on one, i’d recommend using an octo gate. its a whole lot smoother on the 360s/720s
A chicken wing motion= a 360 in the buffer system in butt fighter iv =/
Don’t worry too much about not being able to do standing 720s, even at high level play they don’t see much use. As long as you can buffer it behind a normal, while blocking, dashing, taunting, etc. you’re fine.