707 MvC3 RAMbat League

Alright time for a new update. And also, please guys if you want to enter next Ramnation, please let me know, and i guarantee you even if you don’t have a lot of points you will not leave empty handed at the end of the season!

1st: KBeast
2nd: Spanish Sexy
3rd: Tyram
4th: tharimrattler
5th: Shway

Current standings:

KBeast - 22
Spanish Sexy - 17
tharimrattler - 16
Tyram - 15
Shway - 14

Wow it’s so close!

Nice to see it like this.

Alright, got time to finalize this thing!

1st KBeast (27 points)
2nd tharimrattler (26)
3rd tyram (23)

Ironically, this time nobody made it to 30 points :S

Well that’s a wrap people. Now that evo is over we can calm down for a little while on the hardcore aspect. However, I’m lookin for a new format for the RAMbat that will involve more connection with the players to attract everyone who participates at ramnation.

What’s the payout