I’m the opposite. I use Dan first, always. If need be, I’ll pull out my Ryu, but there has been a match or two where I’ve won on nothing but fierce Koryukens, cuz I could.
Haha, I’m guilty of the same thing, but I try to move on as soon as possible when I encounter such awful players. lulz
Yeah, that’s really what got me interested in Seth in the first place is the challenge in trying to win with his pathetic amount of health He also has some wicked sick combos and I’m somewhat a combo whore so that kept me interested in the naked baldy
I’m somewhat stubborn, if I come across a tough match-up I’ll try to work out how to beat it with my current character rather than switching to make my life easier.
Is it just me, or do none of the other character forums have anything on the Dan matchup. D:
I don’t know, but speaking of strats and matchups, the sticky Dan thread is seriously lacking in the comprehension/consolidation department.
The guy who made it likely isn’t around anymore. Maybe we should start our own… but I don’t consider my knowledge complete enough to put together a thread.
Maybe tsd or Xiahou Mao or any other of the experienced players would do it.
Wink wink. Nudge nudge.
I’m certainly not knowledgeable to offer much input, but I’ll be more than happy to consolidate info or whatever else I can do.
Dan’s Strategies and Matchups seems like the one that could definitely use something. It would be nice to have basic matchup strategies in the first page, but maybe that is just my preference.
I really hope something happens to SF that makes more players try different characters like Dan. I don’t know how, but I can dream of seeing more Dans out there.
On a totally different note, Why does Dan’s taunt in air make him go higher? I was thinking it might be because Dan is so into the taunt that he jumps more than he means too, but I was just wondering if anyone thought about it and has any idea on why it happens.
Well, besides being tired of fighting them ryu’s, I don’t really wanna see more Dan Players. I like him being a rare sight now and then (so fewer players know the Shedanigans I use ^^), since it makes the fights you do meet him a little more special.
As to why his jumping taunts fly him higher, it’s probably because the Saikyo spirits makes you soar high in the sky.
Yeah. Dan’s unique in that only the good players want to use him :lol:
I enjoy the beatings I give with Dan. I don’t want too many people doing that. Only we can share that joy.
I was thinking about the actual Dan Wiki on this site, and I know tsd was too. That said, I’m far from a Wiki expert and don’t even know if I’d be allowed to edit it or anything. I don’t even touch my namesake’s Wikipedia entry, despite the efforts of others to increase the awesomeness it contains on occasion.
I doubt it. People take those tier listings to heart. I am sorry but I just can’t believe, a character being “appealing” is the primary reason for Sagat/Ryu syndrome online. What happened to all the Ken scrubs? Seriously, I went from facing a ken 1 out of every three matches, to fighting him at about the frequency of cammy. Then Ken scrubs hopped the tier. Problem is for online the tier list is BS and a half. I am living proof of this, i hover around 60% W/L ration with Dan, how the F is this possible with the worst character in the game, especially when I play the “best” characters in the game more often than not. Either I am that good or Dan isnt that bad, i tend to think the latter, at least online.
And due to the ranking system the people i play are supposedly at my same skill level, so obviously I shouldnt be that much of a better player (for me technically the ranking system should apply, my only experience with SF4 is online, MVC2 is really the only game I really rocked out at the arcade). then again, ive been playing Street fighter in general since I was in 7th grade (way back in 1994), so I suppose have a familiarity leg up on anyone that sf4 is their first sf game. So in that respect, executing specials, basic combos, and general SF strategy were already in my arsenal. But seriously, are 2 hit combos, and special executions that difficult?
If “appeal” is what draws people to characters (as people in said Ryu/Sagat forum would say) there are plenty of appealing characters in this game that get ZERO love from players. Take Fei Long for example. How is Fei Long not an appealing character? He is modelled after arguably the best martial artist who ever lived. not high on the tier though, so hes not high in selection.
You know if all these tier whores were going to be serious tournament competitors, then fine I get it, but 99 percent of them wont play anything beyond online.
I think it’s a little bit of both
I think the “appeal” is the appeal of winning. Rather quite sad since people seem to value winning above all else. Personally I’d rather have fun and lose then win whilst being bored out of my head.
I have zero respect for Sagat players, I don’t care how good they are I have no empathy for tier whores. Cue the Sagats rushing in to defend their honour, I’m sure there’s 1 in 100 that actually likes the character as a character but lets not kid ourselves, the #1 reason he’s played is for his tier whoreness.
I have not been playing “hardcore” like i was 3 months ago, but your saying its not 90% kens anymore? but how will i ever make my videos!!?
i gotta agree with you though. Dan looks funny and is highly in effective compared to ryu and sagat. so with quirky moves and not alot of raw power and easy to cancel into moves nobody wil play him. hell we cant even get people to play a claw weiding ninja assassin or a bruce lee clone… and you want them to try DAN?
thats part of the reason i think they need a huge rebalance patch before they even think about adding in thawk, Djay, and Karin.
speaking of karin… shouldnt DAN have a rival/clone?
Clone? Well you could say Ryu, Ken, Sagat and Sakura are all Dan’s rivals to some extent (more like he’s their rival but whatever :P).
Karin would be awesome, a fair bit of her moveset inspired other characters in SF4. Would be cool to see the original owner of “the counter”
I admit, online play is a ton of people going with tier lists, but I really don’t get it. I have gone against so many Ryus, but I haven’t seen a Zangief in awhile. I haven’t even seen a Sagat in awhile.
I am not dumb enough to think SF will make characters like Dan more appealing, I just really wish they were. I still can’t believe I have only fought 1 Viper and 1 Gen. Viper is a damn good character.
It really just baffles me. I get people want to win, but they could win with another character. I win with Dan and I am far from a pro player with mad execution abilities. I can’t imagine how much it must suck to have so many clone matches online with Ryu. I figured I was seen a lot of the top tier, but I never imagined I would see so little of the other cast, especially since there are still other characters that are pretty damn good that aren’t Ryu or Sagat or Akuma.
Am I the only person who wants to see Ibuki get the next-gen treatment? I could see her being a blast to play in SFIV compared to Third Strike. It would even stop me from maining Dan exclusively, I think.
Gen and Viper are possibly the most technical characters in the game, you need mad execution skills just to be able to do their stuff, let alone be competent with them.
Ibuki and Makoto would be pretty cool in SF4 methinks, I’m generally a fan of female characters though Karin is the only character I really want to see added currently ^^;
Ibuki would be awesome to see. I want her to have an air super or ultra which would change things up as far as SF4 goes. Only thing I wonder is how they could implement moves that some of the SF3 people. I also would like to see. I am also a big fan of the female characters,R. Mika, so I hope to see at least a couple more girls added. Also I want one of the girls of SF4 to have an alternative costume that is Dan’s gi. That alone would make me happy.
If they make another anime movie like came with SF4 then they better have Dan in it. I can’t believe they didn’t have the master of Saikyoo for some awesome comic relief.
In other news, I’ve gotten much better at ending the match with a Super Taunt. A number of times I’ve gotten the opponent down to about a fifth life, hit them with a Focus Attack, dash up and FP xx Gadouken xx Legendary taunt for the win.
For the longest time, I was wondering why I couldn’t do it, then I realized it’s :hp: :qcf: :hp: :qcf: :hp::hk:, not :hp: :qcf: :hp: :qcf: :qcf: :hp::hk:. (Derp.)
My game has gone up substantially since I’ve been trying to get it out, since I’ve started using WAY more focus attacks than before.
Srsly. Focus Attack is like Dan’s best move, I wish I realized this sooner. D: