7-25-09 digital mayhem (ACT X)

1 Alzarath (Rachel)
2 HC [Stunedge] (Jin)
3 Lord Knight (Litchi)
4 Drunken Chicken (Jin)
5 Biscuits (Arakune)
7 Phoenix (???)
7 KenSK (Tager)
9 Mark (Tager)
9 Ensenga (Bang?)
9 DoomieJ (Tager/Ragna)
9 SOGOS (Rachel)
13 Kayin
13 Furok
13 TaoARC
13 Knives
17 Nuclear Cheese
17 Vengence
17 Baka
17 Bushid0 Black
17 Mindgame
17 Alan
17 BBQSauce
17 fraga
25 Kona
25 Turpin
25 Caesa
25 Victor
25 Vigilante
25 Ben
25 blueNINE
25 Dark Cloud
33 Vyers
33 Aumni
33 Genstov

** Street Fighter 4**
1 weeksauce (sagat)
3 Shady J
4 Bwiyon
5 Tony B.
7 Vigilante
7 Yomi$
9 Magno
9 Dan E
9 CP
13 Dash
13 Kona
13 Joey Miggs
13 Snow
17 Vonj
17 afliction
17 BBQSauce
17 Evillee
17 blueNINE
17 Vyers

GG Singles
1 MarlinPie (Slayer/Eddie)
3 HC [Stunedge] (Ky)
4 HnH (Sol)
5 Alzarath (testament)
5 blueNINE (may)
7 Nazgul (testament)
7 Ensenga (johnny)
9 Vyers (baiken?)
9 Knives (???)
9 Drunken Chicken (faust)
9 SOGOS (slayer
13 Mindgame
13 Nuclear Cheese
13 Biscuits
13 Aria
17 St1ck bug
17 DoomieJ
17 Genstov
17 Stryfe
17 Tony B.

GG teams
1 MarlinPie (MarlinPie was the only member of this team)
2 Lestor be Trippin
3 Apoctolyptic hyenna riding gnome gods
4 BlazeBLU Sucks
5 Going to Japan
5 Team South Jeresy
7 300

if anyone knows characters teams i missed for top 9, tell me.

these were posted on digital mayhem site a couple days ago, but never posted here, so i copy pasted and added all of the characters i knew.

i have blazblue top 3 on my camera, i will put that on the internet as soon as i can.

i posted the SF4 results last week. here they are.

CT ACT SF4 Results (off the top of my head):

1st - Weak Sauc3 (Sagat)
2nd - BRN (Sagat)
3rd - ShadyJ (Sagat)
4th - Bwiyon (Honda/Boxer)
5th - DSP (Ryu)
5th - Tony B. (?) (Boxer/Sagat)
7th - Vigilante (El Fuerte)
7th - Yomi $ (i think) (Honda)

most of the vids there on DSPs page.