[7/24] LI, NY Smithtown Play n' Trade SF4/SF3 tournament! Cash Prize!

The Play n Trade located in smithtown will be hosting a Street Fighter 4 and Street Fighter 3 : Third Strike tournament on July 24th.

32 East Main Street

**Date - **
July 24th

Time -
Registration starts at 4:00
Matches start at 5:00-5:30

New York, 11787
United States of America


For those of you taking the train from Penn station use the Port Jeff line and get off at the Smithtown station.

The tournaments run will be :

  • Street Fighter 4 - Xbox360
  • Street Fighter 3 : Third Strike - PS2

Tournament entry per game : $5
House Fee : 10$

The prize pots will be split between 1st, 2nd, and 3rd

SFIV Rules -
All characters allowed.
Rounds are best 2/3 and matches are best 2/3.
Finals will be best 3/5 and 2/3 matches.
Double Elimination.

SFIII Third Strike Rules -
Gill is Banned
Rounds are best 2/3 and matches are best 2/3.
Finals will be best 3/5 and 2/3 matches.
Double Elimination.

The matches will be run on the store’s LCD HDTV’s and depending on the number of expected entrants may be run downstairs where we have much much more open room for play. We have 8 LCD HDTV’s set up downstairs as well so either way will work out the same.

If I forgt to mention anything or you have any questions or concerns just let me know so I can clarify things. Thanks and I hope to see you all there!

Also, if there is enough demand for it I can add Blaz Blue to this.

Bump this shit. Haha. Make sure it gets seen

I don’t own a stick. Will you be able to supply?

uuggh, 360 is a no go. unless I get find a good deal on a dual mod at EVO

is it still to late to petition for ps3 rather than 360?

I’m willing to do PS3 but we don’t have a lot of PS3’s. If people are willing to donate a PS3 or two I’d definitely be down for changing this to PS3.

I’ll bring both my 360 stick and my PS3 stick in case anyone needs a stick to use.

and blazblue

I’d prefer 360 then I can use my stick, hopefully i can make it too this I sure am gonna try.

I’ll talk to my boss about setting up a ps3. It’s pretty much his word as law but if I can show him that more people want PS3 then He could probably be swayed.

I wish SF4 was out when I went to Stonybrook…

Whether this has a high turnout or not will dictate whether or not my boss keeps doing SF tournaments. He seems to have a preference for doing Halo and CoD4 since they have the best turnouts but I want to show him that the SF community can top that shit easy.

How far is this place form the train station in smithtown?

I don’t think it’s very far at all. Fairly sure it’s within short walking distance.

I’m interested in goin’ …it’s Xbox tho?

I’m trying to get this set up on PS3. We’ve had one person offer to let us use theirs and we have one at the store. So we’ll see how things go. So just assume this is 360 until I say otherwise.

Would you be willing to host a MvC2 tournament at the store?

I know several people who would definitely enter, and Marvel is quite a popular game.

Absolutely. If you can guarantee at least 10 people we’ll host any tournament.

I’ll probably head over again. If there’s some BlazBlue, that’d be hot too. It’s dat new crack!