Unfortunately this tournament was last minute so the turnout wasn’t as huge as it should have been, apologies for not announcing it sooner.
Anyhow, here are the results:
COMBO FIEND (K Ken, Rolento, Cammy 2) Loses to no one.
Emphy (C Ken, Rugal, Rolento 2) Loses to CF x 2.
Watts (C Chun, Guile, Sagat 2) Loses to CF and Emphy.
Edma (C Ken, Chun, Yamazaki/Sagat 2) Loses to Watts and Emphy
(tie) Chavo: (K Eagle, Cammy, Sagat 2) Loses to CF and Edma
AfroCole: (K Cammy/Sagat/Blanka 2) loses to Watts and Emphy
None of the bigwigs entered as they all had to go to work the next day. Anyhow, on to the highlights:
Emphy doing wild stuff with Rugal. Some of the tricks were definitely unexpected and very original. Good shit on getting so far in a game you recently picked up.
Edma acting like he hasn’t played in six months yet lands dash in rc kick super combos with Chun. I know you’re at home in practice mode, give up the facade.
Watts for having good reaction times and zero conscience in tournaments. I love watching you gay it up.
Oh and good shit to Chavo for coming out of nowhere but still doing really well. Edma barely squeaked by you.
I believe finals were recorded, so they should be up soon compliments of Strider_Zero.
Those were some good games. Makes me want to learn cvs2, too bad strider isnt in the game:rofl:
well here as promised is the final of [media=youtube]IyQC82JyXcM"[/media]
I also have the matches of AfroCole(i think) and Emphy, and two casuals of combo fiend and justin wong. I will try to put those up soon:wgrin: