[5/21] MAXOUT KC. S4e4, MK9 Premiere, SSF4, MvC3, T6, BBCS

Welcome to the SEASON 4 episode 4 of Kansas City’s only monthly tournament series.

Venue:The Buzzz AKA Toad’s Pub and Perk
Location:** 12056 W 135th St, Overland Park, KS 66221**
Easy access from I-35 Highway
Date:** Saturday, May 21st**
Start Time: Doors will open for games at 11 AM
Venue Fee: $5 - $3 - Free (depending on equipment brought)
Price per game: $10/$5

The Lineup

Marvel vs Capcom 3 (PS3) $10
Super Street Fighter IV (PS3) $10
Mortal Kombat 9 (PS3) $5 (DEBUT)


Tekken 6 : Bloodline Rebellion (PS3) $5
BlazBlue Continuum Shift (PS3) $5
???MYSTERY GAME??? (?) $1 [winner takes all]

If games are on hand, if there is at least 6-8 people willing to play a tournament and time allows, we can run it.

Tatsunoko vs Capcom (Wii) $5
Arcana Heart 3 (PS3) $5
Melty Blood : Actress Again (PS2) $5
Guilty Gear X2 : Accent Core (PS2) $5

Doors open and setup begins at 11 AM
Casuals and Registration start at 12 PM (or sooner)
Tournaments begin no later than 1 PM
All tournaments and casuals will end by 7:30 PM


All tournaments will be 2/3 Rounds, 2/3 Matches, Double elimination unless listed otherwise.
Top 4 in each tournament will switch to 2/3 rounds, 3/5 matches.

If you wish to change controls, do so prior to the match during a button check. If you begin the match with the wrong controls, that is too bad. If you pause the match or attempt to restart because your controls were messed up, you forfeit your match.
If you wish to use multi button binds for other games, it will have to be at the affirmation of your opponent.
Default button binds are exempt from this rule
Winner keeps same character, loser may select a new one
All games will be played on random stage select

T6 will be 3/5 rounds, 2/3 Matches.

Blind character selection may be requested if a counter pick is a concern. In this case, one of the staff may be called upon to get the selection of both characters from the competitors.

If you are called for a match, you will have 5 minutes (which is VERY lenient) to get to your station and play. If you fail to get to your station, you will forfeit the match. This is not true in the case of someone playing in another game if they are called to play. This is the only exemption. Making your opponents wait is rude, and it also holds up the progress of our bracket. Be courteous. If you are in a tournament that is on going, then stick around. If you need to go smoke, do it fast, and continue your conversations back in the tournament room.

Regarding PS3 pads Do not turn your pad ON until you have synced it to a system using a USB cord. PLEASE turn OFF your pad following the end of your match. This has been an issue in the past, and this negligence isn’t going to be tolerated. It’s disruptive to the people who come to play after you. Failure to turn off your pad will result in an automatic disqualification which will count as a loss in your tournament record. A second offense will result in your forfeit from the tournament.

Bring your OWN EQUIPMENT In many cases, I see people needing to wait around because either they left their stick/pad at home, or they lent it out to someone else. This is UNACCEPTABLE. If you are going to a tournament, then you should at LEAST have your own equipment. If I have to wait on someone because they lent out their equipment, I will be very unhappy. I’ll bring extra pads, and an extra stick of my own for this at this tournament, but PLEASE bring your own equipment so we can keep things running smoothly.

If you CAN, please bring SETUPS This is more of a request, but depending on what you bring, and what we use, you will be given a discount.

  • A setup (PS3 with Monitor) means you pay nothing.
  • A PS3 OR Monitor/TV and you pay $3
  • No PS3 or Monitor/TV and you pay the full $5.

If people can bring setups (PS3’s, games, MONITORS) then PLEASE do. We were ridiculously short handed on equipment last time, and this makes it nearly impossible to run these tournaments smoothly. I’d like to be able to do a variety of games, and not have to kick people off casual stations, but in order to do this, we NEED to have as many setups as we can. I understand the inconvenience of unplugging and hauling Playstations and monitors, but it would help our tournament run more smoothly, and quickly, an allow everyone to play the games that they want to play.

The venue is a Bar and Coffee House. It also serves a wide variety of food, so people don’t have to leave the venue to get something to drink or eat. And if celebrating your recent victories, or drowning your sorrows over your recent ass-beatings is your pleasure, the bar is open all day and night.

**Please pre-register in this format: **
John B - (AxioM) - KC, KS - Games your are playing

See everybody there.

vote for marvel teams :slight_smile:

Derek B - (MGF) - Lawrence, KS - Marvel vs Capcom 3, Tekken 6, Blazblue.

I vote for Marvel vs Capcom 3 Teams of course.
My friend Jam is able to bring a PS3 with MVC3 latest update with Jill and Shuma. Tekken 6 & SSF4 installed, just to help out.

oh wow this tournament is on my birthday. maybe I can use that as a reason to make someone take me up here lol

Voting for Marvel teams as well. Can’t wait.

Yeah I think Marvel is definitely the most fun we have with team tournaments.

Jon S - (Argyle) - Lees Summit, MO - Marvel vs Capcom 3

No shit, it’s my birthday too :slight_smile: it’s also Judgement day, if you weren’t aware: JUDGMENT DAY

Hooray for the last tournament ever!!! lol

Kyah H. - (BobSmack) - KCMO/ATL - MK9, Mystery Game

Let me know if you need help with anything, I’ll do brackets or whatever.

Also: MK9 rules? Am I correct in assuming that Kratos will not be allowed for play since he’s console specific (ala Soul Calibur rule)?

Yes, no DLC characters and no Kratos. At least not at first (the DLC characters. Kratos will never be allowed)

MK will be 2/3 rounds, 2/3 matches

oh I know Judgement Day sir. So that’s even more of a reason to go lol.

coming with a ssf4 setup (24" crt okay?)

I’ve never been to a Maxout event, I’m not sure I can make this one but I think I can… do I have to pre-register or can I just show up? If so, what time should i be there by?

No need to preregister. Just show up at the event around 11am before the tournament or earlier if you are looking to play some matches before hand.

DMAC- crt setups are great.

Torrey R - (drunkninja) - Springfield, MO - MvC3, SSF4, MK9, Mystery

Probably going to be ass at MK (well, actually everything compared to some of you guys, lol), but hey.

i feel really bad but something came up at work and i can’t get out of it so i gotta back out of coming :frowning: i feel even worse because i promised to bring a setup and it was gonna be a good time :expressionless: sorry guys

I can bring an extra setup for MaxOut tomorrow even though I probably won’t be staying there very long (I have to work). If you guys need one text me sometime before tomorrow please.