425 lb convicted gang member sniffs 10-year old boy

this is pathetic…

That chin can not be real…

How can his nose, forehead, cheekbones, and his face not be fat aswell. It is like a merging of a skinny face with a frog neck

Prison should be a free diet plan. Fuck these second and third helpings. My taxes have better uses than PBS.

Penitentiary Beast Sustenance.

"In the meantime, investigators have yet to uncover what motivated Espinoza to allegedly grab—and sniff—the boy."
Insert obligatory Vergil joke here

425lbs? Wow how the mighty have fallen. This is supposed to be Metro city’s finest?

~Vote Arthur for Mayor 2013~

Among my policy’s i promise a dead Wesker on the doorstep of every Marvel player that votes for me, and to address the littering issue by removing those rotting Rotisserie chickens from every street corner garbage can(how long have those been there?!).


picks up lance and slow runs out of thread

Never come back. Seriously.

Evaded capture, (somehow) hid behind a tree, and they had to use a helicopter with infrared to find his ass.

This guy a fat ninja?
Or did he eat one to gain its powers?

Wtf? Does he stuff reserve snacks in his chin for the winter or some shit?

Mexican hatred fuel.

Guy is addicted to burrito’s
He is probably evolved from a Snorlax holy shit that’s a big neck.

Ugh…look at that fat, greasy fuck. Disgusting. His head looks structurally unsound, almost physically impossible. Did he tie weights to his chin growing up? How the fuck do you get your chins to lap your shirt collar like that?

Slaughter this animal. He could feed half of Ethiopia. Let him do something good with his life.

His chin looks pregnant.

I know. That’s some ol’ Looney Tunes shit.