A quick rundown on what needs to be improved off the top of my head.
I feel as though the gameplay speed is as close as it’s going to get to arcade.
Please!!! Fix the training mode. In regular training, the record function is useless. For parrying training, the save state and reload doesn’t even work anymore. It used to but someone felt this feature was too good and made it broken after the first patch.
Hit boxes and inputs would be awesome but I know those features are just a dream…
For online play, I’d suggest these improvements:
Ping numbers and region or country display. Give me an option to not accept red pings in my lobby.
Also please improve stability and fix all the stupid glitches. There’s no excuse for glitches in this game.
A win counter to show streaks would be really cool and maybe an option for character lock. If they are aiming to emulate the arcade experience, then there isn’t any reason to half ass it.
Make the process of the lobby quicker. It is very very very annoying. The countdown to 5 thing is unnecessary. Decrease the amount of time needed to select stages. There should only really be 8 sec max to choose a stage.
The entire lobby interface needs a facelift.
If they need space then just get rid of the tournament feature. It has long been abandoned. Same with the watch matches with friends feature.
Along with the training mode being fixed, my personal pet peeve with Online Edition is the HUD. Please give us the option to make it like the original. The way we all love it. The way we all are used to it. There was NO reason to change this. Also the sound needs to be changed to the original. Please fix this!! Uriens beeping fireball and trash can shoryus need to go!
I’m not really too interested in trials but I know a lot of people like them. I can provide numerous combos that would make great trials. I feel as though Iron Galaxy really missed the mark with the original trials. The combos should be difficult but also practical. Give me something that I can do in a real match if I’m sick enough.