The last two posts lead me to believe that people aren’t getting the gist of what I’m trying to do. (Not you Duck Strong, I posted before I saw your post lol).
I updated the first post quite a bit today.
I know it’s an imposing wall of text, but please take the time to read and understand the whole thing.
The region your in only means your representing that region. You can still go on a rampage in other places and steal their booze and women.
online = bad idea. Damn it. I get enough online play. I want offline play without having to go to sauga. need to undo the early timings from online play. Can’t believe how many times I whiffed meaty cr. mk after a knockdown cuz I pressed it too early.
I can’t even do throw reversals anymore cuz I just mash online and usually it works.
online I can beat the crap outta people I won’t even stand a chance against offline.
I would say go ahead and add me for MvC2, but I’m in the middle of fucking nowhere and I’m probably going to drop off the face of the planet for a while when MvC3 drops.
At this rate markham/toronto should be merged… it’s so tiny =(
Anyway, I’m guessing we have to wait till the initial seeding has to be done before we can start challenges?
and we can only challenge people directly above us on the list?
… What if a “foreigner” takes our top? can we reclaim it by defeating second place (since they might not come back to our region…)
edit: DAAAMN didn’t notice HF and CE… I’m BLIND. seriously. put me in for those too.
Josh and I have talked about the way challenges will be handled quite a bit, and here are some of the key issues we encountered:
-Should you be able to challenge anybody on the ladder? Is it fair for a bottom ranked player to be able to challenge for the #1 spot?
-Should the ladder system allow you to challenge only one spot above you?
-Should challenging and losing punish you by not allowing you to challenge for a set amount of time? If so, should the length of “suspension” be dependent on how badly you lost?
-Should challenging be limited to a few times per week/month depending on who you’re challenging like Josh mentioned in his last post? If so, what happens when a region has only 3 players for a game?
-How should challenging another city’s player work? Do you take their spot? Should you be able to challenge top ranked players from another region? If so, should you have to be a top ranked player in your city or can lower ranked players challenge top ranked players from other regions?
-How long should a player from another region remain in another region’s ladder?
-What happens if an “invading” player gets a spot in a different region’s ladder but doesn’t accept challenges from that region’s players? Should that region’s players be able to hop over him or can that “foreigner” block progression up the ladder?
-How much time should pass before an inactive player (doesn’t challenge or refuses challenges) is punished?
-What should be the policy on a player’s inability to accept or refuse challenges? Should top ranked players be given more slack when it comes to accepting challenges in the case that they receive more challenges than other players?
Completely different game and all, but back when we had a decent sized Warhammer community in Chatham we actually ran a similar ladder to this. We allowed challenges within 2 ranking positions to give people more opportunity to play since you’re not necessarily always going to have a schedule that matches up with the person directly above you. We also made it so if you played no challenges for 2 weeks you would drop 1 spot, and for each subsequent week you would drop an incrementally larger number of spots (so 1 spot after 2 weeks of not playing, 2 more spots after 3 weeks, 3 more spots after 4 weeks). It was actually the most successful of all the Warhammer leagues we ran back then if I recall correctly.
Not to say that’s necessarily what you should do, but it seemed appropriate to mention.
This is a bit ridiculous. No offense but, that thread and that idea is irrelevant.
Tournament tells who’s the best player in Canada, not an obscure ranking system that ranks scrubs playing in their basement gatherings. Wow random guy from saskatchewan beat his 2 friends in Alpha3 . He must be top 10 in Canada. I mean c’mon.Even if you beat 5 of your friends in CvS2 at your gathering, you couldn’t beat Heero , FreddyLoco or JS Master and Ratio1Beatdown or Prez in their prime.
So wtf its not relevant. I wouldn’t want anyone taking notice of your rankings, playing someone from Europe,Japan or the US playing you on GGPO going OMG canada is so free this guy is considered good there. etc etc etc…
Keep gatherings what they are, gatherings…
Cause real players know the deal…
MTL always owned everybody in CvS2 : JFL Prez Heero FreddyLoco…need i say more.
MTL owned 3S for the most part Chi-rity won an NEC event…with the exception of Samir taking an MAT and winning any subsequent event…although he still plays the game more than Mtlers do…not taking anything away from him though.
TO or Sauga always won MvC2 , Jiggabry that is, hes always been on another lvl, honorable mention to my bro Smokey.
MTL owns A3 for fucking free, i will bet $$$$$ on anybody in the country against any top 5 in MTL. giving you odds…
Ottawa owns XvsSF cause they play it…Shiro420 would argue but lose.
ST comes down to MTL and Geneijin87 , I’m not sure where hes from though.
There you have it folks, I spared you a lot of trouble now didnt I. Let’s just close the books and leave it at that…Don’t embarass us with a BS ranking.
PS: Don’t be uselessly upset about me jeopardizing your effort to make this happen. Be thankful that i shared my wisdom so that you can spend your time and effort of something more worthy of it… like masturbating or watching Modern Family or some other lame show.