3rd Strike Podcast: How to be a 3rd Strike Scumbag by Ryan, Yuuki, and JP Pherai EPISODE 2 UP

Could yall do another one with SBO as the topic?

that would be sick, I was liking it there at the end.

Thanks for listening guys.

There are some important things to remember regarding this patch. As you all should know, this patch will not leave us all 100% satisfied. IMO a lot of things went awry when 3rd Strike Online Edition was being developed. I don’t know who to blame for this nor does it really matter anymore. Nothing outside of completely redesigning this game will make it 100% arcade perfect, and that’s just the brutal honest truth.

Now we need to all be optimistic. 3rd Strike Online Edition is the closest port to cps3 regarding game speed. The save state feature, and the record dummy feature were great additions to this game. Q’s crouch to stand frames and Gouki’s toward mp are unthrowable once again like the arcade. After the patch, the super meters will be fixed. For these reasons alone, I believe 3rd Strike Online Edition is the better port. The online sucks now, but hopefully after the patch it will be much smoother, and the glitches will be gone.

I do not know how much work Iron Galaxy is willing to do regarding this patch, but remember that they are doing this 100% out of their pocket. We must keep this in mind regarding the type of requests we ask from them. Of course, I would love if they made 3rd Strike Online Edition look exactly like the arcade and got rid of the grey backgrounds and hd lifebars and used the proper character portraits. I would love if 3rd Strike Online Edition sounded exactly like the arcade. Is this asking a lot for them to do? Yes kinda. It’s tricky because we are basically telling them that all the time they spent redrawing the graphics was for nothing. Of course, if you guys all agree that this should be a priority then we should be vocal about it. Perhaps Iron Galaxy doesn’t know that its that big of a deal to us.

I believe that we must narrow down what we want and ask Iron Galaxy to make these changes. If we can narrow down say 3 things we really want to see, then we have a much better chance than asking for hundreds of small things that only matter to a few of us.

The best thing about Iron Galaxy is that they are willing to listen and do everything they can to cater to us “hardcore” old men. Let’s decide what is most important to us and go from there.

Top priorities (to me) outside of the stuff Iron Galaxy already mentioned they are fixing:

  1. Fix all the sounds to sound like Arcade/ps2/xbox1/dc.
  2. Make 3rd Strike Online look exactly like the arcade.
  3. Input display with hitboxes and special meters like lightning legs and charge partition meters.

What do you guys think are the most important things that must be fixed that weren’t already outlined in the original Iron Galaxy blog post?

Just wanted to 2nd this.

Random thought that still baffles me…

Why why why why WHY would they would add “scanlines” and even an arcade cabinet viewing method to give the arcade look and feel…but then change the visuals and sounds???


a really fucking dirty and hasn’t been degaussed in 10 years monitor you mean.

My degausser doesn’t do shit

those three things would be my tops as well. but since they seem like they’re definitely not adding input display, I’d replace that in the three with making the UI more useable. get rid of the handicap, get rid of the twenty screens you gotta mash through after each offline match, get the color packs selectable from character select instead of being in a weird place like the DLC option.

I’m sure that seems minor in the grand scheme of things but we might be playing this port for another 5-10 years, who knows. I will probably mash through the Rematch/Character Select/Save Replay and Achievements screens about a billion times in that span of time.

Tip: Always play arcade mode! Will get rid of the handicap screens and you will play on the proper stage. Also, you don’t need to mash through 30 screens post match. :tup:

yeah that’s probably what we’ll end up doing as habit. it’d be slightly more convenient to have the UI fixed like I described (you don’t always want winner’s character lock when you’re just playing casually with a group of friends of various skill levels and passing the sticks around, so you choose versus instead of arcade mode) but the tradeoff is probably more than worth it.

it all goes back to the days of playing at the arcade. winner stays loser goes. it will help your friends level up.

but yeah, i dont know what they were thinking when they designed versus mode on oe. ps2 did it right.

Ugh, I didn’t realize that all I had to do was record in normal training instead of parry training like you had to on PS2. So scratch that one off my list, I can do everything I want to now. Thanks for posting this.

Also I think we should separate this into top 3 to 5 most important things for offline, and top 3 to 5 for online.

sipping on a pepsi, and u spill it. lmao.


No, it isn’t a speed issue. I still play arcade regularly, but I think the speed is fine when playing on CRT. Also I’ve never played the PS3 version, only 360. At Stunfest this year, we were lucky to have both CRTs and HD TVs (not sure which model but it was used for finals on stage for the 3on3 tournament) and the difference was immediately noticeable.

I think the “delay” may in fact be caused by the cables (I use composite and from what I hear VGA is better). But what I don’t really understand is that when playing other games like SF4, KOF13, etc on the exact same setups, there is no delay. I’ll order a VGA cable soon and report if I notice a big difference. I’d be really happy if this were the case because keeping CRTs around is a pain and no one uses those at tournaments anymore.

Online Lobby system, adding to
-Request: a different button used there than Default A for everything.

When messaging while you wait, the order shown can freeze completely or even desync & also take you out of the quarter up queue. You try to A button A button again, lose your turn, back of the line. You took yourself out of the queue as it never updated your screen of who is next until you pressed A.

What causes this? Something to investigate.

Could it be a player who just played the last game leaving early,
before saving the replay -to the list of replays for the day, & before turn order re-arrangement of all the players in the lobby?

This just happened:

Winner staying on. Game broke, with an entry of a new player to lobby, then the player who hosted the room left after his loss. A long hiatus before the game started, it put me, the last match winner, to back of the line with no # ready up turn order next, given “host migration” my room now though.

true, to me the top 3 priorities Ryan mentionned make sense, but we’re not there yet as far as the game looks like it should. just saying.
The current scanlines effect ruins the graphics.

And for the originzl lifebar portraits, they could easily create a program to automate the recolorig to match their new packs, as it seems like an issue.
I mean, the program would automatically pick colors from character palettes, and fill in the closest value in the life bar portrait palette.
It wouldn’t be arcade perfect, but, anyway their pack ain’t arcade perfect. Aside from a couple manual adjustements, (like ryu’s face, makoto, ibuki have some unique colors - about one or two - that don’t match their sprite palettes)
Heck, I would even volunteer to help them in that if they do the bulk of the work that way. And you know I hate these packs.

To me, it’s like the sound issues, it’s a matter of thinking of the fix that will both provide the best result and be the less demanding in efforts.
Wouldn’t they save time reripping all the sounds from the arcade soundtest ?
I’m sure they could get help from the community if they give a clear grid of the process.
Or I may be too optimistic.

For me:

  1. same as you (including the arcade soundtrack!)
  2. agree with that too
  3. show the base damage values and total health in training mode along with the pixel-meter rounding; show stun values too

I think the problem with the sfx is like chad mentioned: they’re missing some bit of info about the relative volume levels. I imagine things like an ex shoryu are multiple sounds layered on top of each other. if you set all to 100% the sound is going to be really different than how they were originally intended to sound.

if they can get the original hud in SOMEHOW it’d be brilliant.
sound mixed properly would also be great.


my bad, I never considered the layers of sound affecting each other and read Chad’s post sideways.
this sure thickens the problem.

Anyway, for the hud portraits, it isn’t such a problem to get the originals in and edit the ones for the pack.
I could prepare a list of colors that are a close match from a char palette to a lifebar portrait palette to prepare the automation.
That would take some time, but it’s not that complicated.
If they do the script thing, then I could fix the other colours roughly, it’s really not such a big deal.

Also, I would really love to have plain black as an alternative to the grey background.
And I’m sorry to bitch about it, but the scanlines effect is still high prioritiy for me. As it is now, it degrades the graphics and causes eye strain.
I have no idea how hard it would be to implement simple black lines with an opacity setting, but anything would be appreciated.

I thought they already explained the sound problem a couple months ago. something about CPS-3 having some hardware sound filtering and it being impossible to replicate on OE without building a Q-Sound emulator. or something like that anyway. I don’t remember where I read/heard this but that seems familiar.