3rd Strike across the Globe

Good job Ryad, keep up the good work.

and to demonstrate there are cool ppl in Ottawa… haha jk.

See u guys at T8.

Pick your poison I guess. I find most 3s matches pretty stupid, but then again I enjoy CVS2 matches, and most people find that game too turtlefesty. Maybe it’s just cause what’s going on makes sense, and you can see why each player would have made each desicion.

I donno why you and yellows4 been hatin on me. Is it cause I hate 3s? maybe you should teach me how to play and show me why the game is so good. And with that, I challenge you to friendly games of 3s at t8.

maybe it’s just dudley players…

see you at t8, we’re all lookin forward to it.

It’s because you make no sense. For example, calling 3s vids boring, while showing a great liking to xvsf vids, despite those often being a 3 second sequence looped endlessly.


Nothing in Mexico u_u

Thats unfortunate…
I know how that feels for the moment… :sad:

Update/Correction: Austria just released new vids of their tournament “Adlercade 4”. Link directed to the new videos
Thanks nozarex for the update

Well,I’ve founded some videos of matches of 3s of some Mexican players…i will put it coming soon.

Cool, just let me know, and Ill add it

www.3rdstrike.org (under construction)
www.3rdstrike.org/matches (match vid archive from youtube, catagorized & organized by character vs character)
www.3rdstrike.org/forums (forums)

thats a pretty good idea (2nd link)
ill prob start posting vids on there

edit: is there a way you can set it up so itll have the post in both forums (like ken vs yun would have it in yun vs ken also)?

sorry for the late reply… shodokan can you give me a bit more info?
is it an international forum or does it belong to a specific community?

UK forum for 3rd Strike ranking battles…

Videos taken from UK 3rd Strike NEKO tournaments and some Tekken 5: DR matches as well, recorded by Ryan Hart.

Update: Two links added to the UK scene
Thank you Mikee…

Dutch 3S community (among other games):

I need some kind of 3s machine tracker. Im in Okayama Japan and I havent seen a single machine in this WHOLE FUCKING PREFECTURE!! Can someone please tell me if there is some kind of tracker or just if there is a machine in this area.


Pretty sure all those guys are Tokyo.

Wow ryad, this is what you do? slacking off japanese yet again. Sensei won’t be happy. Good stuff nonetheless. O_o

Although the 3S scene in Venezuela is veeeery little, here are our 2 cents!:
