3P and 3K?!!!!!!!!!!

I approve 3P and 3K

Question: Why are people against (or baffled by people wanting) an optional usability feature that’s been standard for who knows how long? There’s no need to use it, it will improve some people’s play experience (and maybe be necessary with crappier keyboards) and seems to work correctly ie. exactly as if you’d pressed the individual buttons down, so doing impossible things should be impossible.

It’s not like Fightcade is a tournament, it’s not like you’re forced to use it, it’s not like everyone’s goal is arcade perfection (and we’re a couple miles away from it by using an old build of FBA anyway). Why the fuss?

The ST community by and large is all in on being as authentic as possible. Playing on fightcade is obviously not as ideal as playing on CPS2 but it still follows the arcade rules 3P/3K notwithstanding.

Yeah, obviously. I’m just interested in the interest in not having options for people not interested in that. Having the possibility to be as close to arcade as possible should obviously be first priority, but we’re talking options here. It’s like saying Smash should only be played as items on silly four player FFA or Fox only Final Destination no fun allowed or something.

shut the fuck up and take a walk scrub :coffee:

Late to the game, but for the record, I’m against 3p and 3k buttons in super turbo.

But also for the record. there ARE 3p and 3k bindings on fightcade. Scroll to the very bottom, the default is set to F and V on the keyboard. you can change those settings in the ini file of your game. I have to do that for certain games which I prefer to play on keyboard and I need to remap 3p and 3k to something else so I don’t hit the buttons.

Finally, ST tournaments that are run @ capcom pro tour (They’re using my setup and another @ Canada Cup) are on supergun or arcade setups. go to one. There are no 3p and 3k bindings on them. So no, capcom pro tour does not allow 3p and 3k bindings for ST.

Also SF2 is more true to core fighting games than SF4. and i’m being nice. I wanted to say SF2 is more authentic than SF4.