3D Dot Game Heroes thread!

Discuss and provide helpful insight for the game fellas.
Just got the game and am installing it now. <3

Apparently it’s possible to miss sidequests, and there’s no way to track them, so you might want to hit up a FAQ.

I’ve noticed that there are rooms in the dungeons that are inaccessible without a key, but I haven’t found any extra keys, so I’m not sure how to get inside those rooms. Maybe you have to be smart with using your keys?

yeah the sidequest thing is a pain. as for the rooms, apparently there is a key you get later that lets you go back and open those doors.

Well I just beat the 1st dungeon so I’m not sure, but there’s one door I was unable to open in it and I’m sure that I had to use the keys I got before to access the area that door is in.
Fun fact- One of the people in the castle when you start the game wants to trade Demon’s Souls with you because it’s to hard for her/him xD

So, can anyone guess what each loading screen is a reference to?

One screen showed a character that looked like Torneko from DQ4, followed by what looks like a Slime.
Interestingly, there is a Slime in the first town that is a reference to the Cure Slime you meet at the start of DQ4.

EDIT: This FAQ might help and it seems to be spoiler free for the most part-

The most important parts of it would be the stuff you do inbetween main quests.

Going to buy it today.

Just picked it up a little while ago and just started playing it.

I don’t feel like creating my own character, but I might use somebody else creation.

Oh yeah I should use spoilers for some stuff.
Gonna continue playing soon but 2 references I noticed-
[spoiler=]1- The loading saved data theme is based off Dragon Quest series’ theme
2- There is an old man in the first village that will give you the Dash Boots; MEGAMAN 2 STYLE![/SPOILER]

I’m sure I won’t get every reference since I haven’t played any Dragon Quest games, but I got the Demon’s Souls references in From Cave.

I like the game overall, but don’t really like the graphics style, it takes you out of the immersion sometimes. I’m sure after a few more hours into the game I won’t notice it as much.

I’m loving the game so far but have to take a break for now and get some studying done but I’m currently at the desert temple.

Also, while in the desert village some girl said she has a bestiary which I’ve been looking for forever. Do I get it from her? And is this a missable sidequest?

And 19.52 seconds on the dash mini-game! Now to never play that ever again.

Been mostly talking about it in the ps3 thread and like I said there, I have no idea how the fuck Atlus got this game over the waters but I’m so happy they did.
This has been my favorite game on the PS3 since I played Uncharted 1 and 2 and I’ve had my PS3 since november.

On my way to the desert temple right now. I have arrows and my Ancient sword maxed out.
Working on some side quest stuff now.

If anyone is anal about sidequests and stuff like I am, gamefaqs has a really, really good and detailed FAQ that covers pretty much everything you need to know.

Anybody have any custom characters to show off? This is mine that you’ve probably seen already but I’m interested in seeing what other people have come up with.

I have to restart now haha. Damn time sensitive side quests.

I decided to fuck the shit I missed and keep going and play without any guide like the oldschool days.
I will just make sure I talk to everybody and visit every area I can.

After I beat it, I might use the guide if I play it again in NG+.

Holy hell.

18.71 on dash circuit. Took a good 15 minutes. But gah damn I feel good. Especially after that 20.45 second incident.

Do you guys play the game with the left analog or the d-pad?

I play it with my arcade stick.

D-pad since the game is 4-way based with movement and attacks.

the bestiary is amusing.