360 te stick that wont work on pc!?!?!?! try and help me solve my problem i dare u

I have a madcatz mvc2 te for 360 and it won’t work on my computer.

I recently had to get a new motherboard and processor for my computer and had to reinstall windows etc.
The motherboard is a msi z87-gd65 which is compatible with nvidia chipsets. However I am using an AMD graphics card and the onboard graphics are turned off in bios, meaning that the nvidia chipset shouldn’t be active on my board.

Whenever I plug in the stick the computer recognizes it as a madcatz te stick. It shows up under unknown/other devices and has an exclamation point by it.

I try to manually find the drivers it doesn’t work
I have installed the drivers from microsofts website multiple times and uninstalled the stick multiple times and restarted my system multiple times.
Whenever I plug ina regular xbox controller it will find the drivers online by itself and install them perfectly.
I have even tried different usb slots and to no avail nothing has worked.

the only problem that I see with my situation is that under compatible ids it doesn’t have
(I went and plugged it into my other computer to try and see any differences) and it works perfectly fine on there. Also another thing is that my computer won’t recognize it as a xbox controller.

I even got a pci-e card. I am not sure if it should be able to pick up the stick though frys.com/product/6112839?site=sr:SEARCH:MAIN_RSLT_PG

Idk what else to do this never used to happen before the stick used to work fine before I got the new motherboard. Any
help and tips would be appreciated, thank you for your time.

i had a somewhat similar issue and it ended up being the cable. youd have to pull it apart and solder a new one on, this was for a different ps360+ but it was a very similar issue.

Double check the USB cable for any damage.
A Multi-meter helps alot with this

thank you guys for the help I got my stick to work! :smiley:

What ended up being the issue?

i am having a similar issue could you please post on how you dealt with it

I didn’t see the thing where u could choose the option to tell the computer what kind of device it was manually lmao