3 PCB's in one stick

I recently got my Agetec stick and gave it a new lick of life, I installed a seimitsu LS56 joystick and sanwa buttons. I kept the original pcb in there added QD’s to it, then added the paewang revolution pcb which works great.

The golden rule is linking the VCC of the two boards and the Ground of both boards together.
AFAiK both should work properly (Acquiring a DC to test DC functionality today)

Anyway, I decided that I still have more room inside the shell so I considered psx support… I don’t have a ps2 at home but I have a ps1 and when I go to friends/ gaming nights/ events it would be nice to have my stick work on psx/2.

So I followed the same rule as adding pcb #2… but the problem is whenever I make a connection… I thnk It is shutting the psx controller off (too much power??)
Of course without VCC connected everything spazes out randomly.

Can I use resistors to lower the vcc? (but would this have any adverse effects on my already good dual pcb setup?)

Is adding a DPDT switch an option ? IE: Agetec vcc and ground in centre two pins, then have the switch between the psx pad hack and the revolution pcb (each side) to share vcc and ground with the (centre pins) agetec pcb. I’m sure this is this viable ? (However, I would rather avoid adding a switch if possible)

Has anyone ever had any success with 3 pcb’s or anything like this before… ?
I need to hear from you.


Make sure your PS1 board is common ground. I’ve had no trouble chaining three boards together, as long as everything is common ground and you’re not plugging in two or more boards at once.

First thing I did was check the pad was CG… What 3 boards have you chained together ? got pics ?
I know I can cause something to go bang if I plug more than one cable in. :lol:

you probably just have a short or something connected where it doesn’t belong. my TE has had 3 boards(DC, 360, and MC cthuhlu) in it for almost 5 months. there are plenty of dual modded sticks with psx and 360 boards running together without any fiddling with resistors.

get your voltmeter and start checking connections.