3/17 CVS2 @ The Break Results!

  1. Robert Sigley A Chang/Rolento/Vega, K Ken/Eagle/Blanka
  2. Shawn Morgan A Mai/Vega/Blanka
  3. Kevin - K Cammy/Geese/Blanka
  4. Mr Fantastico - K CBS, C CBS, top tiering it
  5. Chibi - K Haohmaru/Mai/Blanka
  6. Cyborg Cop - ??
  7. Phi Long Lose - N Kim/Yamazaki/Sagat
  8. John - C Akuma/Joe/Ryu
  9. Annie - C Yuri/Sakura/Mai
  10. Ed the Head - A Ken/Vega/Blanka
  11. Sean - ?

Finals was 2-0,2-0 me over Shawn :party: :party: :party: :party: =)

CVS2 again in 2 weeks, sound good???

lol shawn morgan plays cvs2? hahaha, thats was sup

fuck!!! shawn you told me you sucked in cvs2!?!?!

I’ll try to be there again in two weeks.

Great matches. Wish someone recorded me doing lk, lk, lk, lp, ball. At least I have something to brag about for a while.

Edited…Because I said something so dumb that it would hurt your eyes to read it.

Damn it, I need to be patient.

It was alot of fun, just pleeease hold it earlier next time Sigley, no matter how much fun you’re having kicking me around in T5.

Oh, hit me up on aim later if you’re coming 2morrow Sigley: AkarIchijo.
