28mm button in 30mm hole

Hi. I have a mayflash fully modded with sanwa parts. but im getting kind of bored with the non-clickiness of the buttons. (they are getting pretty destroyed too). Does anybody know if there is enough clearance in a mayflash to fit a yenox button into? and if i were to put a 28mm screw on button in a 30mm hole would it jiggle to much or would the nut hold it in place well? Since all that is, is like 1mm all the way around i would think it would fit pretty well. Thanks

Also INB4: “Don’t get yenox buttons they suck” I know that but i definately cant fit happ buttons so they are pretty much my best option.

EDIT: Sorry for the whole threads on small questions, I think some people are getting annoyed with that, but i couldnt find anything on this subject.

Yenox buttons work great with happ e-switches.

Never thought of that! But…that doesnt really answer my question.

Install height of Yenox buttons is ~65mm incl. microswitch, so measure your case.

The mounting nuts should keep the button in a 30mm hole no problem.

damn. I measured the outside of the case (so it would give >1mm slack) and i got 53mm :frowning: i guess that means no clicky buttons.