Congrats to @damdai. He definitely deserved to win. But that dance just set white people back 50 years. Think of the white people!
They cut it out, you only see the end of it.
I personally copy-pasted some Choi Guile strats again boxer
One Q: Can all the 5 shotos can do the tatsu unblockable?
Only old ken and old ryu.
And akuma too right?
idk, and don’t care since learning that mofo is a waste of time.
Papercut i’ve found this vid:
Since i don’t have console anymore i can’t test it in practice mode, but if somebody else wants to test if akuma has an unblockable tatsu, well he can use the classic mode training, but that leads me to a question: how the hell do i pick akuma in classic mode training?
thats the beautiful thing about classic , you cant pick akuma ~
edit* correction . I must be too used to playing in ranked matches , but at least that’s where it counts .
The code doesn’t work? Wtf
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the code works in classic
unblockable tatsu works for gouki too
i just got home and tested it out . i was wrong about akuma , you cAn ~ pick him in classic. i just didnt know ! hahah
i did the code and got akuma on the 1st attempt. funny thing was i swore i stopped on geif instead of t.hawk. so i tried it again, did the code correctly w/ all the proper characters in order and got akuma easily. now i thought to myself what if i did the order wrong and still got akuma ? so i tried highlighting a few random characters in hawk’s place, such as geif and dhalsim. i still got akuma. then i thought “lets eliminate characters in the code” and guess what ?
you can instantly sit on ryu and press all 3 punches and start simultaneously a few times and shazzam you have akuma .
no more needing to highlight the other characters .
iam guessing this is another one of sirlins shortcuts ~~
this brings up a few thoughts .
all this time i’ve never seen an akuma player in classic ranked or player matches (xbl), am i just lucky i havent encountered any or do none of the akuma bustas know the code ? did anyone know the code on the hdremix(classic mode) ? i know i sure didnt !
- also orthartheom, i tested the akuma unblockable spinkick . i was grinding @ it for about 6 mins on gief and ken from as many heights and angles as i could and it doesnt work, you can prove me wrong though if you like .
Set to all block. i got it on the first three tries and then a block. Just try again.
Neat info that you don’t have to do the full code.
You cannot pick gouki on classic ranked
The thing is though, hdr had a combo counter glitch in training possibly related to the blocking mechanism, testing on an emu would probably be a better idea.
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How´s the unblockable done, again? Want to test it on AE.
Air spin kick needs to hit on the first active frame.
here another pov from the dance, btw good interview: